Cucumbers and pickles are coming to your garden

How about trying to grow cucumbers and pickles in your vegetable garden? Did you know that pickles are made from the harvest of young cucumbers ? Today, varieties have been bred to create the pickle as we know it. From sowing to growing, discover all the tips to grow cucumbers and pickles in your garden (or on your balcony).

Le concombre, son histoire

The cucumber is a plant that comes from India in the valleys of the Himalaya. Before arriving in our lands 2000 years ago, it was first grown in China, the Near East and then in ancient Egypt. 

The cucumber, Cucumis sativus by its botanical name, is an annual vegetable-fruit of the Cucurbitaceae family (like squash, zucchini, melon, watermelon etc...). As stated in the introduction, pickles are actually cucumbers whose varieties have been bred to produce small fruits.

Le concombre, un des légumes phares de l’été 

The cucumber is one of the best-selling vegetables in the summer due to its thirst-quenching effect and low calorie content. 

The pickle, on the other hand, requires to be prepared, candied and accompanied by small onions of pepper, vinegar and herbs.

Le concombre et le cornichon au jardin

Cucumbers and pickles grow in light, loose, cool, humus-rich soil. They particularly appreciate sunny exposures and temperatures between 18 and 22°C. They are vegetables that require regular watering.  However, they are sensitive to certain diseases such as powdery mildew.

Semer des concombres et des cornichons

Sowing is done as early as April, in a bucket and in the warmth (in a greenhouse, heated shelter, behind glass), or directly in the ground, in May. The plants are installed in the garden after mid-May when the risk of frost has passed. These are vegetables that like soil rich in organic matter, loose and deep. It is advisable to make a contribution of compost in the order of 3 to 4 kg per m2.

Préparer les plants :

  1. Fill cups with a special potting soil or a soil/compost mixture.

  2. Place two seeds per pot (flat), sinking them to a depth of about 1 cm and cover with soil.

  3. Water carefully or with a spray.

  4.  Place in a warm, lighted area (on a windowsill), at a temperature of about 20°C (the germination range for cucumbers is between 16-35°C) and keep the substrate moist but not soggy until emergence, which usually takes 7-10 days.

  5.  When the first two true leaves (cotyledons don't count) have emerged, thin out by keeping the better of the two plants or separate the two plants and repot them in separate cups

Planter les concombres et les cornichons

The planting of cucumbers and gherkins is done from the month of May, as soon as the risk of frost is ruled out. 

Prepare crop strips by adding compost or manure, about 3kg/m².

Planting distances are 1 m between rows for both vegetables. 

       1.  On the row the distances are :

  • 1 m if the crop is flat

  • 40 cm for gherkins if the crop is trellised

  • 60 cm for cucumbers if the crop is trellised

      2.  Dig a hole

     3.  Place the plant and cover it with soil.

     4.  Tamper and water to keep the soil moist

Tuteurer les concombres et les cornichons

Cucumbers and pickles can be grown on the ground but also marked out to save space and facilitate future harvests.

Association de culture

  • Lettuces thrive under cucumbers as do onions, sweet corn and beans.

  • On the other hand, it should not be placed near other cucurbits and potatoes.

  • The association with tomato gives controversial results.

Récolter et conserver les concombres et les cornichons 

After about 3 months after sowing, the fruits can be harvested as you need them, knowing that a regular harvest allows a new fructification. 

In case of abundant harvest, think about lacto-fermentation!

Alexia Bernard 12 April, 2021
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