Epigenetics or how the environment influences your genes

Only 2% of your DNA would constitute the coding genes, those that determine your sex, the color of your eyes, your hair, etc... The remaining 98% are called "junk DNA" by scientists. Today, researchers have realized that this "junk DNA" has an equally important role in the expression of the 2%. Moreover, it has recently been proven that the direct environment and lifestyle habits have an influence on the expression of these genes: this is what epigenetics teaches us. 

Definition of epigenetics according to INSERM

"While genetics is the study of genes, epigenetics is concerned with a "layer" of additional information that defines how those genes will be used by a cell...or not. In other words, epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity that do not involve changes in the sequence of DNA and that can be transmitted during cell divisions. Unlike mutations that affect the DNA sequence, epigenetic changes are reversible. "

This is a significant step forward. 

Epigenetics and hereditary diseases

Epigenetics challenges how hereditary diseases work. Indeed, assuming that the environment and lifestyle habits have a direct role on the expression of genes or not, it implies that hereditary diseases are not a fatality. 

The epigenetics is therefore a hope for all the people locked in the "it runs in the family" pattern: "in my family, we are all overweight", "my father, my uncle and my grandfather had heart problems", "in our house, we lose our hair at 50 years old", etc... 

If the environment and lifestyle habits can trigger a so-called hereditary disease, they can just as easily participate in its non-appearance! Your health then depends on what you put in place to maintain it, which is extremely encouraging and promising...

Epigenetics and psychogenealogy

Many people suffer from the conscious and/or unconscious traumas of their parents or even their grandparents (and even beyond...) Survivors of great catastrophes in history such as genocides have left traces in the DNA of their descendants. For example, some of the latter whose forebears were gassed during World War I or World War II will develop asthma, asthma-related illnesses, and other conditions. claustrophobia or irrational fears. Others, descendants of incest or rape victims will trigger maladaptive behaviors, gynecological pathologies, etc... 

Once considered empirical, this approach is now demonstrated by epigenetics. 

How is this explained? During a trauma, there is a modification of the expression of one of your genes which will then be activated or inhibited. Your DNA is not changed, it is the expression of your genes that is. If there is no "repair" work, then the genetic activity will be passed on as is to your descendants via your DNA.

Epigenetics and geobiology

The geobiology is this practice which consists in taking into account the natural and artificial disturbances of electromagnetic radiation and underground networks: underground watercourse, quality of the subsoil, Hartmann network, cosmo-telluric fault, high-voltage line, railroad, relay antenna, etc... and try to find solutions to bypass them or to minimize their effects on health. 

Epigenetics teaches us that when certain conditions are encountered, "sleeping" genes can "wake up" and cause disease. It would therefore be logical that prolonged exposure to radiation from natural and especially artificial electromagnetic networks (relay antennas, wi-fi terminals, EDF transformers, electricity pylons, high voltage lines) would modify the expression of your genes. 

Epigenetics, a new way to treat cancers

The DNA does not change, it is the expression of the genes that will be activated or not. The direct environment influences the appearance of cancer and therefore the disappearance. Indeed, epigenetic modifications are reversible and dynamic. A lot of research is trying to find new alternative treatments to chemotherapy by focusing on the inhibition of the expression of "sick" genes. Thus, instead of fighting tumor cells directly, these treatments would aim to modify the expression of the genes of these same cells while supporting the body's natural self-healing process. 

Epigenetics is a source of hope for countering fatality in the face of the onset of certain diseases such as cancer. It invites everyone to take their health into their own hands and no longer remain passive or inactive in their healing or prevention process. Epigenetics also reminds us that nothing is fixed and that impermanence sits within our DNA itself.

Alexia Bernard 7 January, 2020
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