The "Vitality" diet to regain energy

Over the centuries, and with the advent of technology, the methods for preparing our meals have increased considerably. Whereas our ancestors mainly ate raw foodToday, we live in an age of overcooking, with temperatures reaching over 250 degrees.

High-temperature ovens, horizontal barbecues, microwave ovens, the classic saucepan for boiling food or the eternal frying pan for browning at very high temperatures - our utensils are constantly evolving. This evolution is certainly intended to be practical, and manufacturers are constantly seeking to make life easier for consumers.

We, the loyal customers, who buy these everyday products to make things go faster, so that our stressful days are not further disrupted. In short, we make life easier for ourselves, of course, but do we take care of our food?

Absolutely not!

We lack energy. And the proof is there: on a daily basis, seeing people tired as soon as they wake up, people completely exhausted by a day's work and reclusive children who don't run around in nature like they used to... Nature provides us with everything we need to live with vitality and energy, and yet we're wasting it all.

What a waste, don't you think?

By eating raw fruit and vegetables, we also absorb the energy of these consumables. Every food that grows in the earth is alive, bursting with energy, and so are we. By savoring a raw carrot, a just-picked apple or a cauliflower still wrapped in its green leaves, we also draw the vitality we need. And believe me, it's with pleasure that nature offers us this positive warmth.


What happens when we cook our food?

cooking food

The longer we cook our food at high temperatures, the more we destroy it:

  • Above 50 degrees, certain essential enzymes are destroyed.
  • From 60 degrees, vitamin C is completely destroyed
  • From 80-90 degrees, vitamins B and E are destroyed
  • From 100 degrees, precipitation of mineral salts, rendered non-assimilable
  • Above 120 degrees, virtually all vitamins are destroyed

Which method should you use?

The crudivore diet can be used as a cure, but remains problematic in the long term. There are many who would argue the contrary, but I'm convinced that everyone needs to find a way of eating that suits their own body. There shouldn't be a single rule, a single ideal mode. That would be utopian, and each person reacts differently to one diet or another anyway.

So let's stop believing that there's one perfect way to eat. NO, these ways of eating have all their advantages but also the disadvantages that follow them.

In order to establish a vitalizing type of "diet", we recommend alternating raw and cooked foods, and varying cooking methods. By alternating raw and cooked, we can enjoy the benefits of fruit and vegetables without upsetting the body.


It's possible to put energy on your plate

steam cooking

Recommended cooking methods to retain maximum nutrients and thus vitality and energy

  • Low-temperature cooking
  • Gentle steam cooking
  • Steaming

So forget the microwave, which destroys all the energy and nutritional content of the food, pressure-cooking, which kills all the vitamins in a matter of seconds, boiling in water, which also eliminates nutrients and vitamins, and of course we don't recommend frying, barbecuing or grilling, which generate toxic fumes that are harmful to health.

Finally, don't forget that for a healthy meal rich in energy, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, we recommend adding sprouted seeds. The germination process increases the plant's energy potential.

Vanessa Colant 20 September, 2016
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