The vegan diet to lose weight, does it work?

Thinking of losing a few pounds by wanting to try a vegan weight loss diet or avegan diet? While some individuals choose the vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons, the diet itself can have health benefits. According to recent studies, being vegan may even help you lose more weight. In this regard, further research is needed. But it's thought that going vegan may decrease the number of high-calorie foods you eat.

What do vegans eat?

Vegans do not eat meat, fish, eggs or dairy products. Instead, they eat fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes. They also consume plant-based milks, other non-dairy products and meat alternatives.

With a vegan diet, you can eventually replace these foods with high-fiber, low-calorie alternatives.

Is this approach beneficial to health?

Removing some of the major food groups from your diet may seem unhealthy. If you're not paying attention to your nutrition, this can be the case.

Some fear, for example, getting enough protein or other essential nutrients, such as the vitamin B-12. This vitamin is only found naturally in animal products, and if you become deficient, it can lead to a anemia. Vegans should supplement their diet with vitamins, vitamin-fortified cereals and fortified soy products to avoid deficiencies.

Others may have problems with yo-yo dieting after becoming vegetarian. What does that mean? It's when you go through cycles of losing weight and then regaining it all or more, possibly after struggling to stick to vegan-only foods. This type of diet is associated with severe health consequences, such as an increased risk of type 2 diabetesand heart disease.

Which vegan diet is best for weight loss?

Regardless of these pitfalls, you can eat a vegan diet and still lose weight. As with all diets, the key is to focus on nutrient-rich foods rather than empty calories. For vegans, these foods should include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Beans and legumes
  • Nuts and seeds

Limit or avoid vegan processed foods containing these added ingredients:

  • Fats
  • Sugars
  • Starches
  • Sodium
  • Food additives

Tips for losing weight

Women typically need to consume 2,000 calories per day to maintain their weight. For losing weight, that number drops to about 1,500 calories per day. Men generally need to eat 2,500 calories a day to keeptheir weight and about 2,000 calories a day tolose a few pounds.

One calorie of junk food is not equivalent to one calorie of whole food when it comes to nutrition. Many factors affect weight loss, including:

  • Age
  • The size
  • The current weight
  • The diet
  • Physical activity levels
  • Metabolic health
  • Other medical problems

While you can't control all of these factors, you can controlyour dietand your exercise. No matter what type of diet you choose, you must follow these guidelines for healthy eating.

1. Time your meals

Snacking throughout the day is not good for weight loss.Synchronizing your meals is essential to boosting your metabolism and promoting healthy eating habits.

In general, try to eat your meals at the same time each day so that your mind and stomach become predictable. Have a bigger breakfast than the other meals of the day. This may mean changing breakfast a little earlier and eating a smaller dinner.

If you have been exercising, try to eat within 45 minutes of finishing. This will help nourish and repair your muscles.

When should you not eat? Within two hours before bedtime. Consuming calories too close to bedtime is associated with weight gain and sleep disturbance.

2. Make sure you get enough protein

Current recommendations for proteinintake are approximately 141 g per day. A 68 kg woman should consume about 61 grams of protein per day. A man of 80 should consume about 72 grams per day.

When you break that down into calories, there are about 4 calories per gram of protein. Thus, the woman in this example would need 244 calories of protein per day, and the man would need 288 calories of protein.

Good sources of plant protein are:

Food Portion Protein grams
Tempeh 1 cup 31
Soybeans 1 cup 29
Seitan 3 ounces 21
Lenses 1 cup 18
Beans, such as chickpeas, black beans and kidney beans 1 cup 15
Tofu, farm 113 g 11
Quinoa 1 cup 8
Textured vegetable protein (TVP) 1/2 cup 8
Peanut butter 2 tablespoons 8

3. Switch to drinks " healthy"

healthy drinks

Before you sip on that store-bought smoothie, think about how many calories it might contain. Even so-called healthy drinks and energy blends can pack a caloric punch.

First, let's take a look at a drink that most people know to go for during a diet. One 0.5L soda contains about 240 calories and 15 to 18 teaspoons of sugar.

But what about that freshly squeezed orange juice? It contains about 279 calories per ½ liter. 

Read labels carefully and consider saving these drinks forspecial occasions.

Drink plenty of water is your best choice when trying to reduce the number on the scale. It moisturizes and contains no calories. If you don't like plain water, you can add a dash of lemon or lime or try herbal teas and sparkling waters.

In summary

A vegan weight loss diet can work. Nevertheless, it is always wise to talk to your doctor or a dietician before making big changes to your diet. You should discuss how you will get essential nutrients, such as protein and B vitamins.

Your doctor may also suggest other ways to lose weight, such as a food journal or a regular exercise program.


Reduce your calories. (2015).
Harvard TH Chanvard School of Public Health. (2012). Fact Sheet on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Obesity [Fact Sheet].

# Food
Marie Dupont 24 June, 2019
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