Is the no-carb diet effective in weight loss?

The low-carbohydrate diets, such as Dukan or Atkins, are the most well-known for losing weight quickly. Despite what might come to mind when you think about the no-carb diet, research suggests that it poses little health risk if followed properly.

Also known as the low-carb diet, is the no-carb diet as safe as claimed? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

What is a no-carb diet?

The no-carb diet or low carb diet is a method of limiting or even eliminating all carbohydrate foods including fast sugars in sweets and cookies, fruits or starches. Followers of this diet place much more emphasis on foods high in protein and fat.

The benefits of the low-carb diet

benefits of carbohydrate-free diets

The no-carb diet is not new and has been used in the medical community for a variety of purposes for more than a century. Based on decades of research, the low carb diet has been associated with benefits such as:

  • The weight losss fast
  • The absence of feeling hungry or fatigue
  • A better control of insulin and blood sugar or hypertension
  • An improvement in cognitive performance and hormonal balance.

The disadvantages of the low carb diet

Whenlow carb is not properly controlled, the subject is much more likely to have theyo-effect. This is indeed due to the extreme deprivation that the body undergoes in relation to its eating habits.

Over the long term,the no-carb diet can lead to overeating meats and higher-fat products. Yet, this overdose can lead to risks of cardiovascular disorders.

The no-carb diet can't be followed by just anyone. It is not recommended for children, young people, the elderly or pregnant women. It is also prohibited for athletes because they need enough sugar for their bodies to handle exertion.

One of the disadvantages of the low carb diet is especially the rather characteristic bad breath due to the release of the ketone bodies. Before you decide to embark on this type of diet, it is recommended that you seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietician.

How do low-carb diets work?

Regarding weight loss, the low carb diet is considered effective, as it causes rapid glucose depletion. When your reserve gets low enough, your body turns to fat as an additional source of energy, whether it's fat from your diet or your stored body fat.

Our bodies normally run onglucose or sugar to produce energy. However, we cannot make glucose ourselves and only store it for about 24 hours in our muscles and liver. Once glucose from carbohydrates is no longer available for energy production, due to the fact that we are on a low-carbohydrate diet, we then begin to burn stored fat. For this reason, low carbohydrate diets often result in rapid weight loss and other metabolic improvements over a relatively short period of time.

What can you eat on a no-carb diet?

Depending on your application, a low carb diet may includeany diet involving less than 30-40% of daily calories/energy from carbs.

Everyone is different, but in general,reducing carbohydrates to about 30% of your overall diet, while increasing fat to 40% and protein to 30%, is an excellent goal.

If you eat between 2,000 and 2,500 calories per day, getting 30% of your daily caloric intake in carbohydrates would be equivalent to about 150 to 187 grams of carbohydrates per day (each gram of carbohydrate contains about 4 calories).

The best way to start eating with a low-carb diet is simply to focus on eliminating the major sources of added sugars and carbohydrates. Avoid sugar snacks, sugary drinks, cereals and possibly legumes.

Foods to include in a no-carb diet

1. Healthy fats

Healthy fats include the saturated fatsThe most common types of fat are monounsaturated fats and certain types of polyunsaturated fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids.

MCT oil, cold-pressed coconut, palm fruit, olive oil, flax seed, macadamia and avocado oil, butter and ghee, avocado, lard, chicken or duck fat are all good choices.

2. Quality proteins

Animal proteins (meat, fish, etc.) have very little or no carbohydrates. You can eat them in moderate amounts if necessary to control hunger. Overall, choose organic, grass-fed, fattier cuts of meat over leaner cuts.

3. Non-starchy vegetables

All leafy vegetables including dandelions or beets, cabbage, mustard, turnip, arugula, chicory, endive, escarole, fennel, romaine, sorrel, spinach, kale, etc.

4. Fatty dairy products

Dairy products should be limited because of their natural sugar content. We therefore recommend cow's or goat's milk (ideally organic and raw) and fatty cheeses.

5. The drinks

Water, unsweetened coffee (black) and tea, fresh vegetable juice and bone broth

What is your opinion about the no carb diet for weight loss? Feel free to share it in comments.


# Food
Marie Dupont 7 June, 2019
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