The winning duo to get back in shape

Summer is fast approaching and many of us are looking forward to a figure makeover before heading to the beach in a bikini. The reflex would obviously be to follow what the magazines suggest by encouraging us to go on a diet that will make us lose 5 kilos in a week or to lose 3 cm of waistline in just 3 days. Utopian don't you think?

There are many different types of diets: high protein, dissociated, sugar-free, fat-free, starch-free, etc. One thing these diets have in common is that they all propose a dietary restriction that will inevitably lead to dietary frustration. When we know that every frustration plays a negative role on our emotional state, we quickly understand that this is not a good idea.

The key to getting back in shape and losing excess weight is not dieting. The solution can be summed up in two words:


Indeed, there is no need to throw yourself body and soul into a series of restrictions that will prevent you from enjoying the beautiful things in life, when the solution is quite different. And when you're done starving yourself and your body is done drawing on your reserves, be aware that it's waiting for you and that you'll likely gain even more weight.



  • Include quality (organic) fruits and vegetables in your diet several times a day:

Opt for a freshly made green juice to start your day with the energy you need. Also include fruit in your snacks, rather than at the end of your meal, as it may not be digested properly. Avoid the bloating that can make your belly swell at the end of the day.
Fill your plates with vegetables at each meal for a portion of at least 60%, preferably steamed vegetables should make up the majority of your plate.

  • Choose good quality fats:

Say goodbye to all kinds of saturated fats that destroy your health but also your figure. Learn how to incorporate unsaturated fatty acids that are very good for your health. A healthy diet must be composed of good fats and forget the clichés that impose the elimination of fat because this is absolutely false: avocados and oilseeds are not prohibited.

  • Eliminate as many added sugars as possible:

Sugar in tea or coffee, excess sugar on strawberries, etc. These sugars have no benefit for your health and even less for your figure. Also banish as much as possible the industrial products that blacken the picture and pollute your body. Cakes, candies and various sweets should be eaten only for pleasure and therefore occasionally. Deviations are also a part of everyday life and no one is going to punish you if you indulge in an ice cream or a sweet treat, but it should remain a pleasure and not a part of your daily diet.

  • Drinking Water:

Don't be tempted by sodas and other sugary drinks, and instead enjoy the benefits that water can provide. Hydration and emunctorial cleansing are the two key roles of water. They are essential for a good elimination, thus a good health and a perfect line.
Choose preferably a water with low mineralization.

  • Banning Excitants:

Excitants such as coffee, sugar, alcohol and tobacco should be banned from your diet as much as possible. Having an aperitif every night will affect both your health and your waistline.

  • Staying measured:

The basic rule in natural and healthy food is the measure we put in our plate. Having an excessive lifestyle habit will be detrimental to your well-being anyway. The goal is to find the perfect balance between healthy nutrition and enjoyment of life, without frustration.

  • Staying active:

Finally, nothing beats a good workout several times a week. This in order to:
- promote elimination
- activate lymphatic circulation
- produce the hormones necessary for your physical but also mental well-being.

Vanessa Colant 12 June, 2017
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