Can stopping the pill help me lose weight?

Is it possible to lose weight by stopping taking the contraceptive pill? This is a big question asked by many women who take the pill. Some women decide to stop taking their birth control pills because of concerns about weight gain. What can you expect when you stop taking the pill ? Here's some advice we can offer.  

Do birth control pills cause weight gain?

the contraceptive pill and weight gain

Researchers are still unsure whether birth control pills cause weight gain. Scientific studies draw mixed conclusions in the debate over whether pills cause weight gain. Despite the lack of scientific evidence, some women taking combined contraceptives feel that they increase their appetite and cravings. But this is not easy to establish, as those who do not take contraceptive pills may gain weight with age.

The synthetic hormones present in contraceptive pills and certain other forms of contraception, such as the hormonal IUD, are the main factor in weight gain. Each type of contraceptive pill contains a different proportion and formulation of estradiol and progestin. The formulation of one type of pill may lead to weight gain, whereas this is not the case for other pills.

The cause of weight gain

Weight gain associated with contraceptive pills may be due to increased appetite and fluid retention. The estrogen in contraceptive pills can cause fluid retention, leading to weight gain. The hormones in contraceptive pills can also stimulate your appetite, leading to weight gain.

What to do before stopping the pill

Talk to your doctor about stopping birth control. He or she may be able to suggest another method of birth control with fewer side effects. If you want to stop taking the pill, finish your current pack and don't start a new one. You probably have menstrual cycles right away. But it can take several months for your period to return to normal.

Irregular periods after stopping the pill

It's normal to have irregular periods after stopping the contraceptive pill, as your body may take some time to adapt to new hormone levels. This can also lead to irregular periods for a few months. However, if you were using the vaccine for Planned Parenthood, it can take up to a year for your periods to become regular again.

Weight loss after stopping birth control  

Birth control pills contain estrogen, a hormone that can cause water retention and weight gain. If you stop taking the pill, you may lose weight because you stop retaining so much water.

Weight gain after stopping contraceptive medication

Some women gain weight after stopping the pill, although this is not common. If you gain weight when you stop taking birth control pills, a healthy eating and physical exercise can help you return to your previous weight.


If you forget to take birth control pills in the middle of your cycle, you may experience bleeding before your next period. However, irregular bleeding after stopping the pill is a temporary phenomenon and should disappear after a few months.

Cramps after stopping the contraceptive pill

If you stop taking the contraceptive pill in the middle of your cycle, you may experience cramps. For many, birth control pills minimize cramping. Once you stop taking the pill, you may experience cramps even if you don't have your period for a while. If you've already had cramps before taking the pill, they may come back.

Things to remember

It is difficult to determine whether a woman will gain, lose or keep weight after stopping the pill. The most important steps to take to stay healthy are to continue eating a healthy, balanced diet and to stay active with exercise. Many contraceptive pills are specially designed to help treat exaggerated premenstrual syndromes. As a result, some women will notice increased breast tenderness and other premenstrual symptoms such as nausea, headaches and bad mood.

Solutions for losing weight after stopping the pill

Regular exercise can help prevent weight gain. You can enjoy 30 minutes of physical activity every day, such as walking, running, aerobics, swimming, dancing or other exercises.


Drinking plenty of water every day helps reduce the hunger associated with bloating and thirst. This helps prevent weight gain and eliminate any fluid retained in the kidneys.

Reducing calories

reduce calories

Reducing your calorie intake by 500 calories a day and eating between 200 and 1500 calories a day is one way to lose weight for women.

Keep a record of all the food you eat, so that you can so you can more easily spot sources of hidden calories and find ways to reduce them. 

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

A healthy diet that includes nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, whole grains and fruit promotes good weight balance. This means avoiding foods that are not nutritious, such as those containing added sugars, salt and saturated fats.

Eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and low-fat dairy products. Avoid fried foods and sweets, and limit portion sizes. 

Sources :

Marie Dupont 14 November, 2019
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