Hawthorn, a natural remedy for suffering hearts

Hawthorn, a natural and wild plant from our forests, is a recognized remedy for cardiovascular disorders. Research is closely studying the effects of hawthorn and the conclusions are more than promising. Discover in the following lines, the hawthorn, a natural remedy to relieve the hearts in suffering...

Présentation botanique de l'aubépine

Hawthorn is a thorny shrub measuring 3 to 4 meters in height. It is found in all temperate regions of Europe especially in hedgerows and woodland edges. Its small, fragrant white or pink flowers give rise to red fruits called cenella between August and October. 

In therapy, we use the flowering tops harvested in late spring.


Composition chimique des fleurs d'aubépine

  • Nitrogenous compounds

  • Phenol acids

  • Flavonoids

  • Triterpenic saponosides

  • Tannins

  • Sterols

Action régulatrice du système cardio-vasculaire de l'aubépine

L'aubépine est cardiotonique

 It acts on cardiac contraction (positive inotropic effect) and on heart rate (negative chronotropic effect). 

Hawthorn hydroalcoholic extracts improve symptoms associated with stage I and II heart failure by improving exercise tolerance and increasing left ventricular ejection fraction. 

Interestingly, according to the New York Heart Association, the German Commission E mentions the benefits of hawthorn flowers and leaves forstage II heart failure patients. 

However, keep in mind that natural remedies should not replace a drug treatment prescribed by your doctor. Hawthorn is recommended as a supplement.

L'aubépine et son action cardioprotectrice

Hawthorn extracts help improve the function of the endothelium while strengthening its barrier role. Thus, through its relaxing effect on the endothelium, it helps reduce arrhythmias and atherosclerosis or heart failure phenomena. 

L'aubépine et son effet sur la pression artérielle

It has been shown in vitro (1) that Hawthorn can inhibit the conversion enzyme. 

In rats, Hawthorn decreases blood pressure once hypertension is caused by constriction of the aorta. In addition, cardiac hypertrophy due to high blood pressure is decreased in treated animals. (2)

L'aubépine et son action sur l'anxiété

Hawthorn is sedative, calming and anxiolytic. By decreasing the heart rate, it allows the lowering of metabolic functions generating a cooling of the body. Hawthorn thus prepares for a good sleep. 

Utilisation interne de l'Aubépine

The action of hawthorn is slow to be felt. It takes about 8 weeks to begin to perceive the benefits. However, its effects last a long time, even after the supplementation is stopped, as long as an adapted and personalized lifestyle is put in place (Mediterranean type diet/ regular and moderate physical activity/ restful sleep/ stress management). 

  • In infusion, dosages are in the range of 10 to 20 g of flowers per liter of boiling water. 2 to 3 cups per day in a 21-day course of treatment. 

  • Mother tincture: macerate 1 cup of flowers in 2 cups of brandy for 15 days. Dilute 1 teaspoon in a little water before lunch and dinner. For 21 days.

  • Young shoots glycerine maceration: 10 to 15 drops per day to be taken diluted in a little water. To be taken outside of meals. Keep in mouth for a few moments before swallowing. 

Aubépine, symbolisme et peine de cœur

Hawthorn is, as stated above, a thorny bush. It reminds you of your duty to protect your inner world. These white leaves contrasting with the darkness of its wood, invites you to go deep into your own light while realizing that behind every difficulty is a teaching.

Generally, heartache extinguishes your inner flame, makes you forget your luminous nature and plunges you into the meanders of your darkness. The Spirit of Hawthorn reconnects you to your heart and therefore to Love.

To relieve heartache, reduce anxiety following a difficult romantic breakup, a few drops of Hawthorn bud in a little water will act on the emotional and vibrational levels.

Le saviez-vous ?

The young spring leaves are very tender. You can add them to your wild salads with dandelion, plantain, nettles, etc. The cenelles are also edible and very nutritious (source of vitamin C). Reduced to flour, they can be added to porridges, bread preparations... 

Précaution d'emploi

Hawthorn potentiates anti-hypertensive treatments, digitalis and hypolipidemics. In case ofallopathic or homeopathic cardiovascular treatments, please talk to your doctor, only he/she is entitled to modify a current or future treatment. 

Sources :

  • LACAILLE -DUBOIS MA et Al. Recherche d'inhibiteurs potentiels de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine (ECA) à partir de plantes. Phytomédecine. 2001 ; 8 (1):47-52

  • HWANG HS et Al. Effets de l'aubépine sur le remodelage cardiaque et la dysfonction ventriculaire gauche après un mois d'hypertrophie cardiaque induite par une surcharge de pression chez les rats. Cardiovasc drugs ther. 2008 ; 22 (1) : 19-28

Alexia Bernard 3 May, 2021
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