Energetic aromatherapy

Scientific aromatherapy with its allopathic and rigorous dimension focuses on the healing effect of the biochemical molecules comprising the essential oil. In vibratory or energetic aromatherapy, the practice is based on the vibratory properties of plants but also on the action on the hormonal system whose effects are felt and perceived on the psycho-emotional sphere. Discover in detail the principles of this energetic practice that is vibratory aromatherapy.

L'aromathérapie énergétique, qu'est-ce que c'est ?

According to yogic principles and in many Asian traditions, each of the glandular centers is connected to an energy center that is called chakra, meaning "wheel" in Sanskrit.

Thus, each center resonates with an emotion, astate of being, a sound, a syllable, a mudra, a color, a musical note etc.... There are 7 main ones (the most known) from the perineum to the fontanel and along the spine.

Once considered "the soul and spirit of plants," theessential oils represented a precious treasure from nature. Only insiders and the privileged few could wield them. This elite consisted of shamans, druids, priests, medicine men and women etc.

L'aromathérapie vibratoire pour une prise en charge holistique

To understand the mode of action of energy aromatherapy, one must view disease as the result of an imbalance between the body, mind and spirit. These 3 poles are extremely linked and interdependent. According to this view of health and/or healing, you can't work on one without working on the other two. When you look at the whole person, it is called a holistic approach.

The essential oils have this particularity of being able to act on these 3 levels at the same time. Indeed, the biochemical molecules have pharmacological virtues, the aromas stimulate the primitive areas of the brain (memories...), and the vibratory frequency of the plant subtly acts on the quantum field. Aromatherapy done right can therefore be a holistic therapy.

To practice energy aromatherapy, it is interesting to leave the knowledge acquired on the scientific use of essential oils. This method of psycho-emotional and somatic accompaniment requires connecting to one's sensitivity, intuition, and inner guidance. Intellectualization, analysis and rigor of theory greatly limit vibrational practice.

Pour choisir une HE de qualité, il faut prendre soin de vérifier :

  • The botanical name. The name in French is not enough. Indeed, depending on the region, the names may differ.

  • The country of origin of the plant. Depending on the soil on which the same plant was grown, the biochemical properties will not be the same.

  • The distilled part. The EO distilled from the roots, bark or wood will have a more "grounding" effect while the leaves, flowers, needles or zest, properties will be more "subtle and spiritual. "

  • Lot number and expiration date. While many HE retain their properties intact years after distillation, some, such as citrus, lose their effectiveness once started.

  • Organic certified, natural or wild. However, beware! With the increase in demand since the last few years, some pickers do not respect the wild flora thus ransacking entire territories. Be sure to choose ethical brands that care about the environment.

  • Price. Some EO are very expensive because it takes a lot of raw material to extract 1L of essential oil. For example, to obtain 1L of EO, you need 4,000-12,000 kg of lemon balm leaves, 150 kg of true lavender flowering tops or 7 kg of cloves!.

  • Packaged in a tinted glass to preserve the essence from sunlight.

Comment pratiquer l'aromathérapie énergétique

Energetic aromatherapy is practiced mainly by olfaction or direct application to specific areas of the body: chakras, soles of the feet, hollow of the hand, elbow or wrist, etc.

What matters is the vibrational power of the plant and what it awakens in you. Its smell may please you or bother you. This gives an indication of your inner state for example.

Pour conclure

Considering a energy approach with essential oils, is to take advantage of and benefit from the full potential of the plant. For example, ginger essential oil will work on digestion and adrenals while providing "fire". It is therefore a essential oil warming that will come to stimulate the circulation of energy in your body.

Plants and, therefore, essential oils are treasures of nature that remind us that we are part of a Whole. They are a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between Heaven and Earth, between Body, Mind and Spirit.

Alexia Bernard 14 December, 2020
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