Bach Flower Remedies: 5 elixirs for those who want to do too much to help others

Chicory, Vervain, Vine, Beech and Rock Water, 5 Bach flowers that support people who are excessively concerned for others. Each of these flower essences (except Rock Water, which is derived from White Water) act on specific states of mind and emotions. Discover their description and maybe the one that suits you!


Chicory, a Bach flower that calls for generosity

Chicory or Wild Chicory is a plant that can reach 90 cm in height and grows on wasteland and along roadsides. Its star-shaped flower of a luminous blue is very fragile: it fades as soon as it is picked.

It has the number 8

Chicory, the flower of selfless love. People with negative Chicory tendencies always need recognition and to draw attention to themselves. Chicory is that child who interferes in adult conversations, she is that salesman who wonders how to be better than his competitor, she is that mother who is only happy in the presence of her children ... Bach Chicory's elixir is also for those who live in comparison: "I gave him such and such a gift and he gave me nothing in return". 

By taking the Chicory elixir, we can give without expecting anything in return and without any conditions or external requirements. One is in the true gift of oneself. One becomes generous.

His mantra would be, "I give without expecting anything in return because I know I am loved. "


Vervain, the Bach elixir for those with excessive enthusiasm 

Vervain, verbena officinalis, grows in dry soil. Its small mauve flowers bloom between July and September.

It has the number 31.

Vervain, the flower of enthusiasm. When you are in the negative Vervain state, you are so passionate that you try to get everyone on your side. Vervain people are convincing, persuasive, and often exaggerating. They waste a lot of energy trying to convince others. Those around them sometimes find themselves confused, lost in the face of this fanatical excitement.

By taking the elixir of Bach Vervain, one manages to control the interior bubbling to use its energy with precision. One becomes tolerant, one lets go, one respects the opinions of the others and one accepts that the others can think differently....

His mantra would be: "my freedom ends where others' freedom begins".


Vine, the flower that awakens the inspirational leader within

Vine is native to the Mediterranean basin. Its flowering varies according to the climate.

It is numbered 32.

Vine, the flower of authority. Vine represents the first chakra. When this one is unbalanced, when it is in excess, one feels dominating, hard, crushing, authoritarian, "little tyrant". The Vine person satisfies his ambitions in a purely selfish goal.

By taking the Bach Vine elixir, we recognize that our actions can serve more people. We become a leader, an inspiration for others.

His mantra would be: "my ambition allows me to contribute to the world".


Beech, the Bach elixir that opens to tolerance

The Beech, this huge tree that the English once called "mother of the forest" blooms in April and May.

It has the number 3.

Beech, the flower of tolerance. The person with the negative polarity of Beech is constantly in judgment and criticism. This unhealthy comparison maintains a certain exclusion.

By taking Beech, we understand that what we reproach to the other, we reproach to ourselves. We accept that others are different. We then aspire to an inner reconciliation with the world around us.

Her mantra would be, "I open myself to the world with kindness and tolerance." 


Rock Water, white water to bring fluidity

Rock water, the elixir of fluidity. When we are in the negative state of Rock Water, it is as if we were going against the current. We lack fluidity, flexibility, we are locked into rigid principles. Perfectionism, excessive strictness in oneself, narrow-mindedness, intransigence are all principles that stifle the Rock Water personality. 

It has the number 27.

Rock water, the elixir of fluidity. When we are in the negative state of Rock Water, it is as if we were going against the current. We lack fluidity, flexibility, we are locked into rigid principles. Perfectionism, excessive strictness in oneself, narrow-mindedness, intransigence are all principles that stifle the Rock Water personality. 

By taking the Bach Rock Water Elixir, we abandon theories, we follow the current, the flow of life, we let ourselves be rocked by our emotions. It reminds us that water takes the form of its container, it does not fight. 


His mantra would be: "I am water, free, wild, fluid marrying every corner of my being. " 

Source : all this information was extracted from the book of Mechthild Scheffer " Complete manual of the floral quintessences of Doctor Bach " published by Le Courrier du livre


Alexia Bernard 7 September, 2020
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