Bach Flower Remedies: 4 elixirs for those who are emotional sponges

Agrimony, Centaury, Walnut and Holly, 4 Bach flowers to accompany you if you tend to be overwhelmed by the ideas and thoughts of others. Discover in detail each of these four elixirs to grasp their respective subtlety in order to find your own way/x.

L'aigremoine, l'élixir qui fait tomber les masques

Agrimony or agrimony is a plant that grows in fields and abandoned lots. Its ephemeral yellow flowers bloom from June to August.

It has the number 1.

Agrimony, the flower of sincerity. This Bach flower accompanies people who need to drop the mask and show themselves as they are. Agrimony people look relaxed and jovial but in reality they hide their game terribly well.  They have a lot of fears and anxieties, but most of all, they don't let them show. The Agrimony person has a hard time acknowledging that things are not going well and readily associates this state of being with weakness.

Thanks to the Agrimony elixir, you begin to accept yourself in your totality and to drop the masks. No longer trying to hide your thoughts, you become more sensitive and honest with yourself.

His mantra would be: "I am as I am and I show myself as I am".

Centaury, une fleur de Bach pour apprendre à dire non

Centaury or the small centaury in French is a plant which one finds on the edges of ways. Its small pink flowers bloom from June to August.

It has the number 4

Centaury, the flower of the helpfulness. The elixir of Bach Centaury accompanies the people who do not know how to say not. The Centaury people are those which have evil to listen to their own voice/e and to assert it. By dint of making themselves too available, they generally end up becoming passive and spectators of their life. With too much wanting to give service, with too much wanting to be liked, they end up forgetting themselves. By taking the elixir Centaury, you take again your own capacity. You manage to say not, to pose your limits and to make the share between your own motivation or that of others.

His mantra would be: "I say yes to myself".

Walnut, la fleur de Bach pour garder le cap 

Walnut is none other than the walnut tree which can reach 30 meters in height and is commonly found in our orchards. It is reputed to release a substance that prevents any plant from growing under it.

It has the number 33

Walnut, the flower of rebirth. Walnut accompanies the renewal, a new cycle and a new beginning. When you feel a desire for novelty and that your entourage transmits all its fears to you, the elixir Walnut will help you to keep the course. Walnut is the flower of Bach which enables you to pass to the action. It reconnects you with your deepest aspirations while leading you to create a bubble of protection to remain impervious to the words and influences of the others.

His mantra would be: "I stay true to myself and follow my own path".

Holly, la fleur de la compassion 

Holly is French for holly. It is this small shrub that grows in our forests whose stems with pointed leaves and bright red berries decorate Christmas tables.

It has the number 15

Holly, the flower of the opening of the heart. Holy in English means sacred. This elixir connects you to love, to the state of grace when the heart is fully open. Holly is the Bach flower that reconnects you to your deepest, most powerful, beautiful feelings. This Bach elixir is particularly suitable for people who are quick to anger, who feel hatred, jealousy, who feel offended, hurt or even under the influence of an emotion that may not be their own. People with Holly tendencies are those whose hearts have become hardened, closed, due to a lack of trust in humanity.

His mantra would be: "I am joy and love".

Source : all this information was extracted from the book of Mechthild Scheffer " Complete manual of the floral quintessences of Doctor Bach " published by Le Courrier du livre

Alexia Bernard 5 August, 2020
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