How to keep your vegetables fresh?

You come back from the market with a basket full of fresh products: beautiful seasonal vegetables and fruit that are just ripe. How can you avoid the rapid deterioration and rotting of these living products before eating them? Here are some tips and recommendations for keeping your vegetables flavorful, textured and fresh for as long as possible in your kitchen.

Fini les carottes ramollies

When you keep vegetables a little too long carrots in the refrigerator crisper or out in the open in her kitchen, the beautiful carrots from the early bird end up softening, wilting and becoming downright ugly. So how do you make them look good again? Just soak them in a bowl of very cold water for a few minutes and they will become firm again like the first day!

Les légumes racines dans le noir

Les pommes-de-terre, les carottes, les navets, les beets (Raw),onions as well as all other lroot vegetables can be stored for several weeks away from heat, in a dry place and in the dark such as a cellar, shed, garage, winery. Indeed, the light activates the germination which makes potatoes unfit for consumption for example. 

Les tomates n'aiment pas le froid

Yes, tomatoes Are not a vegetable but afruit. Nevertheless, they still have a special place in our kitchens, especially during the entire summer period. Connoisseurs know that tomatoes that are stored in the refrigerator lose their flavor. To keep your tomatoes fresh, place them in a bowl and cover them with a dry cloth. They will keep for a week without any difficulty. 

Les légumes à feuilles

To keep the freshness of your salads, kale, kale, spinach, celery and other leafy vegetables, it is advisable to wash them thoroughly in clean water, wring them out and then wrap them in paper towels and place them in airtight boxes (or freezer bags) before storing them in your fridge. With this method, your leafy greens will keep thefreshness for a good week without worry. 

Les courges, à la chaleur !

Unlike most vegetables, squash needs heat to keep. Store them in a space where the temperature does not drop below 15°C. Be careful, however, not to pile them up at the risk of mold growth and spread. 

Les asperges ont besoin d'humidité

Asparagus are fragile. They quickly lose their flavor after picking. To slow down wilting of your vegetable, wrap it in paper towels with water sprayed on it and place it in your refrigerator. This trick will save a few days of freshness before you enjoy them. 

Les haricots verts frais emballés dans du papiers essuie-tout

After rinsing and hulling,green beans can be stored in the cooler wrapped in paper towels and in an airtight glass container. By doing this, you gain a few days of freshness for firm and tasty beans. 

Les champignons seront conservés dans du papier 

Although mushrooms are neither a fruit, nor a vegetable, nor an animal, it still seemed interesting to mention them because its preservation deserves a little clarification. Often packaged in trays, mushrooms tend to macerate in their moisture. To avoid this, it is recommended to keep them in a cool place, in your fridge,in a paper bag so that the humidity can escape and the air can circulate. 

Pourquoi mettre les légumes dans la partie inférieure du réfrigérateur ?

All fridges contain the famous crisper at the bottom. Why is this space reserved for storing fresh, live produce? To understand, we need to review the following principle of physics which says that warm air is lighter than cold air. Thus, the coldest part of your fridge is at the bottom, which is where the vegetable bin is located.

Also, by putting a cloth or paper towel on top, you limit the development of moisture in the bin thus slowing down the spoilage of your vegetables. 

Alexia Bernard 22 October, 2021
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