Foods that promote the growth of Candida and lead to leaky gut

Obviously, there are sugars. Everyone who has studied Candida agrees that all of the sugars feed the yeast. On the other hand, whole foods contain sugars and every living thing needs them to survive, including us. The trick is to eat unrefined sugars, contained in whole foods in which they are linked to other nutrients. For example, eat fruit instead of juice.

There are healthy sweeteners available, but, if you have Candida overgrowth, no sugar is good. The stevia can be used as a sweetener if the pancreas is functioning well, but it can be problematic for those with blood sugar concerns.

Believe it or not, these "healthy" sugars are not so healthy:

  • Agave Nectar
  • Coconut sugar
  • Maple syrup
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Sugar cane juice
  • Raw sugar

This list is, of course, incomplete. To heal the gut, sugars should be avoided.

But other foods promote Candida by disrupting the gut flora or feeding it directly:

Refined foods

Bread, white pasta, French fries, flour ... and many more!



Sweetened juices are another form of refined sugar. Freshly squeezed juices are very nutritious, but contain no fiber. All sweet juices feed the yeast, including beet and carrot. Unsweetened vegetable juice, lemon juice, lime juice, ginger juice and saffron juice do not feed candidiasis. On the contrary, they kill it.

Seeds and gluten

The gluten cannot be properly digested, in case of Candida. In fact, it induces the perfect conditions for parasites to thrive in the gut. Even worse, when the gut is infested with Candida, gluten proteins can enter the bloodstream and cause an inflammatory response.

When the intestine is not healthy, it is also more difficult to digest whole seeds. This is why the Paleo diet, so popular at the moment, is known to heal the gut.

bread, gluten


The raisins, dates, figs, pineapples and other very sweet-tasting fruits have many wonderful health benefits, but they are so sweet that they should be avoided until the gut is healthy. In the case of Candida overgrowth, all such fruit should be limited as much as possible, if not completely avoided, for a week or two.

Processed meats and pork

Processed meats contain nitrates, preservatives, and artificial coloring that kill flora and thereby allow Candida to flourish. In addition, they usually contain dextrose or other sugars.

The pork contains retroviruses that survive cooking and can be harmful to those with weakened digestive systems. In addition, conventional (non-organic) livestock are fed genetically modified feed, which should also be avoided.



The GMOs kill the flora, just as they destroy the gut of insects. But they don't bother the Candida, or even other opportunistic and dangerous parasites, viruses and bacteria. Slowly, GMOs destroy the entire digestive system.

Dairy products

Dairy products are high in sugars and should be avoided by people with Candida unless they contain potent probiotics that resist stomach acid. On the other hand, when a baby has diaper rash, it is almost always Candida, for example, because the mother has candidiasis and the baby drinks her milk. When breast milk is healthy, the probiotics easily pass the baby's stomach acid and reach the intestinal tract. For adults, raw milk from healthy animals is better, easier to digest and does not feed the infection to the same degree as pasteurized milk, which does feed the Candida since the acidity of our stomach kills the weaker probiotics in this type of milk.

 dairy products


The alcohol destroys gut flora and damages tissue, leaving a perfect nest for Candida.

Chemical products

The chemicals such as pesticidesherbicides, artificial colors, artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives interfere with or even destroy the good bacteria in the gut.

Peanuts, pistachios, cashew nuts

Peanuts, pistachios and nuts of cashew are often contaminated with fungi. It is therefore best to avoid them.



If you want to get rid of Candida, basically, your diet should be as healthy as possible, while avoiding sweet fruits and vegetables until the candida is gone. The healthiest diet is the raw foodism (80% raw food).

Most importantly, avoid the foods listed above until your gut is healthy again.


HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 16 July, 2015
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