My habitat prevents me from sleeping. What can I do?

When there oncethat we suffer insomnia or recurring nocturnal awakenings, we become exhausted and quickly fall into a vicious circle that imprisons us. Have you ever spent several nights tossing and turning all night long? Have you ever watched the hours go by without being able to close your eyes? Or have you slept through the night without a hitch, but woken up feeling even more tired than before you went to bed? There are many situations associated with sleep disorders, but they all have a solution.


What's the matter? Why aren't you sleeping properly?

There are many natural ways to break this imprisonment. For example, use essential oils to help you fall asleep or to avoid falling into a routine. insomnia. Aromatherapy plays a very important and effective role in sleep disorders, but sometimes something gets in the way.

Let's try gemmotherapy or other branches of phytotherapy to overcome our sleep problems. But here again, something goes wrong and we still can't fall asleep or get a good night's sleep.

After consulting numerous therapists who have modified your lifestyle in every way, including diet, you can no longer see the end of your problem. You're exhausted and seriously thinking of turning to sleeping pills to get you out of this fatigue that's increasing day by day.


Have you ever thought about having your home analyzed?

In fact, many sleep can be explained simply by the fact that telluric faults run beneath your bed. These are geo-biological pollutions that disrupt your body and therefore ... your nights.
This fault - often due to watercourses or underground water veins - in your home is not serious in itself, but it is insidious because it is invisible to the naked eye. It's a telluric radiation that disturbs the balance of your home. It will also be accentuated by other electromagnetic pollution such as WIFI, GSM, etc.

By inviting a geobiologist into your home for a complete analysis, you can easily find out what faults are present. But don't worry, you don't have to move house just yet. Solutions do exist.

First of all, adopt a healthy attitude towards your home by limiting electromagnetic disturbances:

  • No television or computer in the bedroom. The bedroom must remain a place of rest and peace. Electromagnetic waves are not welcome.
  • We turn off our mobile phones at night so as not to be disturbed by these same waves.
  • You don't charge your smartphone on the bedside table.
  • Cables and plugs must not be routed under the headboard.
  • Air the room as often as possible.
  • The orientation of your bed must be adapted to your needs (to be discussed personally with your geobiologist, who will certainly apply the Hartmann method).
  • Radio alarm clocks should be placed more than one meter from the sleeping person.


Lithotherapy as a backup

Electromagnetic pollution can be countered by semi-precious stones, such as :

    • Shungite is a black stone with the ability to neutralize radiation of all kinds. It is therefore highly effective in combating the electromagnetic waves emitted by all our everyday devices. Place it on your WIFI box, for example, or simply in your home, to neutralize these energy disturbances and create a soothing, relaxing atmosphere.


  • Black tourmaline, which is also a protective stone, has a very positive impact on electromagnetic disorders. Unlike shungite, which absorbs waves, this one repels them by deflecting them. What's more, it has the ability to transform negative waves into positive ones.

Of course, these two stones have other properties, but the field of lithotherapy is very complex and it's very interesting to take an interest in it to solve certain everyday problems.

My home is keeping me awake at night. What can I do about it?
Vanessa Colant 5 December, 2016
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No to nocturnal digestion!