MEDICA MENT: Benzodiazepines

Regularly, this section MEDICAMENT proposes to analyze the benefits but also all the risks of a class of drugs while proposing you the natural alternatives.


This class of drugs is used primarily to combat stress. Another variety of benzodiazepines is used to treat insomnia.
The dictionary definition of the word "stress" is a set of biological and psychological disturbances caused by some kind of aggression on an organism.
In common parlance, stress is thought of as being put under pressure or strain by various external factors that are usually beyond our control. Stress, as we understand it, can be generated by our hectic pace of life, our job, our social, professional or family environment... From this point of view, stress, if it is not well managed, is considered as something negative, or at least as not beneficial to the body.

Side effects of benzodiazepines

The somnolence, the memory and memory disorders concentration, A muscular relaxation with an increased risk of falls are the most common side effects of these anti-stress benzodiazepines. The danger lies in the fact that these side effects are not always clearly felt and this can have dramatic consequences, especially in the elderly. Indeed, many fractures, particularly of the femoral neck, can be attributed to benzodiazepines. Drowsiness and concentration problems lead to a reduction in reaction capacity, which is the cause of many accidents when driving machines or vehicles. It should also be noted that combining benzodiazepines with alcohol reinforces their side effects.

Regular and prolonged use of these medications (for several weeks) leads to addiction and dependence. Addiction means using larger and larger doses to get the same effect. If the treatment is stopped abruptly, dependence will lead to withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, tremors, increased anxiety and insomnia.

The Natural Alternative

Adaptogenic plants are substances that help the body adapt to different types of stress.

Knowledge of adaptogens dates back thousands of years to ancient China, but serious scientific study only really began in the 1950s, when Soviet scientists discovered the beneficial properties of adaptogens, kept as a state secret by the Soviet government.

One of the most formidable adaptogenic plants is Eleutherococcus senticoccus which the Soviets studied both in the laboratory and in real life. The results were astounding as Eleutherococcus reduced the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases by 40% and the risk of contracting influenza by 30%. Without side effects and non-doping, Eleutherococcus is used by Soviet astronauts to resist the stress of a prolonged trip in space and to quickly recover after their return to Earth.

The Schisandra is also a great adaptogenic plant with defatiating and de-stressing properties while activating liver and brain functions as well as libido.

An optimal synergy of adaptogenic herbs .

A natural formula specially designed to fight against daily stress. It is composed of 5 adaptogenic plants (Eleutherococcus senticoccus - Schisandra - Aralia manchurica - Crataegus oxyacantha - Echinopanax elatum) which act in synergy to both fight against stress and its harmful consequences while restoring vital energy


The product is used pure, under the tongue, for a few seconds before swallowing, preferably 10 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal.

  • In case of mild stress: 1 full pipette (1ml) in the morning.
  • In case of greater stress: 1 pipette full in the morning and afternoon.
  • In cases of severe stress with fatigue: 3 pipettes per day (morning, noon and afternoon).
HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 15 January, 2014
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