Anti-cellulite massage: the right gestures

Cellulite is the great pity of many women in search of a soft, harmonious and flawless body. Although perfection does not exist and cellulite affects everyone, even the slimmest, discover how to reduce the appearance of orange peel skin by yourself. Here is the recipe for a successful self-massage.

Quelques règles de base pour un massage anti-cellulite réussi

Padded skin is the most telling sign of cellulite. These small hollows and bumps located on the stomach, hips, buttocks and thighs are the bane of many women (and men).  

Here are the basic principles for a successful anti-cellulite massage:

  • The gestures must be vigorous, assured and carried out from the bottom to the top, that is to say from the feet to the pelvis in order to stimulate the venous and lymphatic return. 

  • The areas affected by cellulite will benefit from the famous "palpate and roll" by grasping your skin between your fingers and rolling it as if to loosen adhesions. This movement is certainly not the most pleasant, but it is very effective in fighting the "orange peel" effect. However, there are also other complementary techniques as you will discover below.

  • For the belly, it is advised to massage it in the direction of the digestion in order to stimulate the transit. 

  • It is possible to prepare a homemade mixture of callophyl vegetable oil and essential oil of grapefruit. The synergy of the combined virtues make this DIY preparation an effective massage oil to dislodge cellulite and firm the skin. Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Pourquoi masser permet d'éliminer la cellulite

Kneading the skin with varying degrees of intensity restarts intra- and extra-cellular exchanges. Thus, blood and lymphatic circulation are reactivated, unclogging the tissues. Kneading, palpating and rolling, and sliding pressure are techniques generally used in institutes to firm the skin, eliminate dimpled skin and dislodge fat. Let's take a closer look at these 3 techniques to do yourself as part of your anti-cellulite routine. 

Zoom sur le palper-rouler, pour une peau sans capiton

Among the most practiced massages is the "palpate-roll". As mentioned above, this technique is practiced by rolling the skin under the fingers as it is pinched.

This massage helps to stimulate microcirculation and firm the tissue. When the fatty tissue adheres to the muscles and the palpate-roll becomes more difficult to perform, you can simply lift the skin for a few seconds before releasing. 

Tip: 15 to 20 minutes per day, every other day.

La pression glissée, autre technique de massage anti-cellulite

Sliding pressure is a kind of toning effleurage that helps to dislodge toxins while firming the skin. To perform it, you must place your hands flat on the area concerned and then slide them up and down perpendicular to the muscle fibers.

The gliding pressure facilitates the elimination of the fatty mass. The more vigorous the massage, the greater the results. 

 Tip: For firmer thighs and tummy: 15 to 20 minutes a day for 1 week, then twice a week. 

Le pétrissage et son action drainante

Kneading drains fat and also stimulates blood circulation. It can be practiced on the stomach, hips, buttocks and thighs. The muscles relax, the tissues become more supple and firm. The idea is to knead the skin as one would knead bread dough! This method can be painful, so it must be adapted to your tolerance level. 

Tip: 15 to 20 minutes every 2 days. 

Massage anti-cellulite, mettre toutes les chances de votre côté

It is important to remember that massage alone is not enough. The lifestyle must be reviewed, adapted and personalized. Diet, hydration, sleep quality, regular physical activity (and why not targeted) and stress management are essential for a firmer figure that meets your expectations. Do not hesitate to contact your naturopath and/or your beautician to benefit from their expertise. 

Delaporte Marine 15 February, 2021
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