The benefits of castor oil for the hair

Castor oil castor oil is a natural ingredient used since antiquity for its exceptional exceptional properties in cosmetics. Rich in fatty acids, it stimulates hair growth and nourishes it in depth. Find out how to choose a castor oil and, above all, how best to use it on your hair. hair.

What are the characteristics of castor oil?

Castor oil is derived from a tropical shrub - the common castor oil - and more precisely specifically, the seeds contained in the fruits of this plant. This shrub is found in India, China, but also in Brazil, although its origin is in Africa. in Africa. Today, it is also cultivated in regions with a more temperate climate regions with a more temperate climate, as well as in our gardens.

Castor oil castor oil is characterized by its thick texture, its clear color and its discreet discreet smell. It was notably used in ancient Egypt, more than 4000 years before our era; but also in India, in the Ayurvedic medicine. 

The castor oil seed is toxic because of the ricin it contains. It is filtered during the manufacturing process, and is therefore purified of its toxin, but it is not edible. It is, on the other hand, a remarkable natural care natural care in cosmetics.

Paying attention to some specific mentions on the bottle will allow you to choose a quality castor oil. It must be extracted by first cold pressing of carefully selected seeds by master oil makers respecting the traditional manufacturing process.

castor oil flower

Indeed, cold pressing allows to release the active principles of the castor seeds while preserving the benefits of the liquid. The extraction process must not include the addition of chemicals in order to preserve the minerals and fatty acids it contains. It will then be appropriate to turn to pure castor oil, preferably organic. Finally, the best way to choose your huile de ricin will be to opt for a freshly pressed oil. All the nutrients will be preserved, to maximize its effectiveness as a natural cosmetic care.

How to recognize a good castor oil ? 

For this it must be :

  • Extracted by first cold pressing
  • 100% pure and natural, without additives
  • Organic and made in France
  • Ideally, pressed to size

What are the benefits of castor oil on hair?

Castor oil, also called castor oil (but which has nothing to do with the animal), is used for its numerous cosmetic properties. Rich in fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9), it is a remarkable hair care product, especially for dry, frizzy, brittle and split hair, which it will nourish and repair. But it is especially known for its action on the growth of the hair. 

Its main component, ricinoleic acid, will stimulate the production of prostaglandin, and thus act as a catalyst for hair growth. Mixed with a small amount of jojoba vegetable oil, light and non-greasy, it can also be used on oily and fine hair for its sebum-regulating action. Depending on the needs, it can be applied to the scalp or the ends, mixed with other vegetable oils or even essential oils. To optimize its effectiveness, it should be applied to dry hair.

Castor oil has many benefits for the hairIt is used to stimulate their growth and strengthen them. Effective on hair growth, it also helps to coat and nourish the hair. It is recommended as a treatment for hair damaged by chemicals, brushings and other colorings. 

A real hair tonic, it is used on dull and devitalized hair, to give it volume and shine. It is also useful in cure, over several weeks, in case of hair loss. Finally, it is appreciated for its similar virtues on eyelashes, eyebrows and beard. Castor oil can be used in the manufacture of many cosmetic products, such as hair care, masks, shampoos and serums.

What are the actions of castor oil on hair?

  • Makes hair softer and shinier
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Increases hair volume
  • Limits hair loss

How to apply castor oil on hair?

Castor oil s’emploie directement sur le cuir chevelu, pour son action stimulante et fortifiante ; mais également sur les pointes, pour les nourrir et les faire briller. On peut les employer de différentes façons, selon les bienfaits recherchés : en bain d’huile, en masque, dans la préparation de sérums protecteurs ou tout simplement, diluée dans nos soins cosmétiques. 

Indeed, a few drops added to your shampoo bottle or mascara tube allows you to take care of your hair and lashes on a daily basis. A real plus for those who don't want to use it on the whole head.

As a reminder, it is used exclusively as an external application, and should not be ingested.

castor oil

Castor oil, an effective hair care 

  • Zones concerned: roots and tips
  • For what effect? The complete castor oil mask will deeply nourish dry hair, while stimulating microcirculation to activate growth.
  • The gesture to adopt: apply a good quantity of oil at the level of the roots by massaging well the scalp, and then apply strand by strand on the lengths by insisting well on the points.
  • Recipe: 20 tablespoons of castor oil.
  • Application time: between 30 minutes and 1 hour, ideally with a self-heating cap to allow the mask to penetrate the scales of the hair deeply. You can also use a castor oil bath and leave it on overnight. Shampoo twice if necessary.
  • How often? 2 times a month.

How to combine castor oil and theJojoba oil ?

  • Areas of concern: peaks
  • For what effect? A light treatment for fine or oily hair will make the hair shine, add shine or redefine curls, without weighing down the hair.
  • What to do: mix castor oil with a non-penetrating vegetable oil, such asjojoba oilThen apply a dab to the lengths and ends of the hair.
  • Recipe: 50% castor oil + 50% of a non-penetrating oil, which will coat the hair surface only.
  • Application time: between 30 minutes and 1 hour, before shampooing; or by mixing a few drops directly into your shampoo bottle, for an express radiance boost. You can also apply it as a leave-in treatment, keeping a light hand on the amount of oil.
  • How often: once a week.

Castor oil and essential oil for hair, what is the difference?

  • Areas affected: scalp
  • For what effect? Apply in light circular massages on the scalp, castor oil blend and essential oil will stimulate the hair bulbs and promote hair growth.
  • The right thing to do: use castor oil as a base and combine with an essential oil known to stimulate hair growth, such as Bay Saint Thomas E.O., mustard or ylang-ylang.
  • Recipe: 2 tablespoons of castor oil + 4 drops of Bay Saint Thomas essential oil.
  • How often? 1-2 times a week for 3 weeks, with a 3 week break, and so on.

Nb: essential oils should be used with caution, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and infants, in whom they are generally not recommended, but also for people with sensitive skin, asthmatics, epileptics or allergic people.
Before using an essential oil, perform a test with 1 to 2 drops in the elbow fold and observe the area concerned after 24 hours to ensure that no reaction appears.

How to boost hair growth with vegetable oils?

  • Target area: scalp
  • For what effect? A cocktail of vegetable oils will promote hair growth and is an alternative for those who prefer not to use essential oils.
  • The gesture to adopt: mix vegetable oils known to make hair grow and massage the scalp well (ex: avocado vegetable oilscoconut, oignon, jojobaetc.).
  • Recette : 1 c. à c. d’huile de ricin + 1 c. à c. d’huile de gingembre + 1 c. à c. d’huile de neem + 1 tsp. mustard oil.
  • Application time: Ideally, leave on overnight. You can wrap your hair in a warm towel for a few minutes to ensure proper penetration, before protecting your hair overnight with a hair cap.
  • How often? 1 to 2 times a week.
  • Considered by some as a miracle oil for hair growth, castor oil also has many benefits for the skin, as it helps to reduce wrinkles and fight acne.

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Delaporte Marine 8 May, 2023
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