The business case for cell phone risk

Have you ever wondered what could be at the origin of this increase in brain tumors during the last 2 or 3 decades? Few people realize that brain cancer rates have now surpassed leukemia as a cause of death in children.


In Australia, the increase in childhood brain cancer has risen by 21% over the past decade. These figures are similar to those of studies conducted in Europe and the United Kingdom over the past 20 years. Despite these alarming figures, our society seems reluctant to limit the use of cell phones, probably most people do not realize the risks yet and many still think that all this alarmist information is probably not true.

The common argument is: if cell phones are so bad, how can they still be sold? Think about what motivates the companies that produce these devices and the telephone operators? As in the case of the cigarette industry, some thirty years ago, or currently that of chemical drugs, the financial stakes are clearly higher than those of the health of our fellow citizens.


Nowadays, we recognize the harmfulness of smoking and the risks it represents, whereas in the last century, cigarette advertisements and smoking itself were two very familiar things, which seemed to be natural and without harmful consequences.

Right now, you are probably one of the 3 billion people in the world who own and use a cell phone. Never before in history has any technology been so widespread and used by all segments of the population.

Currently, every uninformed person assumes that the use of cell phones is harmless, and they feel reassured by the figures given in the studies, which are themselves sponsored by the telecommunications industry.

Since tobacco, no other item or technology has been so commercially important and at the same time so toxic to public health. Like the cigarette companies in the past, the cell phone industry will do everything in its power to make you believe that cell phones are safe.

If the authorities and government agencies do nothing to warn you or to protect your health, it is because they too benefit and are financially involved.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 14 November, 2017
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