Top 10 anti-fatigue foods

To compensate for fatigue and lack of energy, we often tend to consume sugar. Indeed, this one brings us a small immediate boost of energy but unfortunately it is also responsible for the drop of energy which follows, which tends to tire our body even more. Let's see which foods are our allies in regaining energy and vitality.

The causes

First of all, it is important to identify the causes from your fatigue or lack of energy. Is it temporary fatigue from lack of sleep, overwork, stress or too much physical activity? Or a general lack of energy, recurring, with no obvious explanation?

In both cases, know that food can help you find this energy. For this, you must find a balanced diet, avoiding meals that are too rich or too copious and avoiding skipping meals, but especially by incorporating certain foods that will boost your metabolism and limiting sugary and "exciting" products that will have the opposite effect of that desired.

Top 10 anti-fatigue foods

But what are these foods and how can they help us get back in shape?

Below we are going to present you a series of foods that, due to their nutritional richness, are going to be real "whiplashes" for your body. They will help increase your immune defenses, to fight against fatigue and allow you to fill up on vitamins and minerals essential to have a proper energy level, such as vitamin C and magnesium and iron.

1- Food rich in vitamin C such as citrus and kiwi, have anti-fatigue properties, strengthen the immune system and boost metabolism. In addition, vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron contained in the food consumed at the same time (an iron deficiency often manifests itself by a general fatigue that lasts, as well as a lack of energy and strength).

Orange is a good source of vitamin C. However, it is better to eat it whole than pressed into juice because the lack of fiber reduces the anti-fatigue power of this fruit.

Kiwi fruit, on the other hand, contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges, and consuming one kiwi a day will help you reachthe recommended daily dose.

2- Chocolate (especially raw cocoa) contains a lot of magnesium, a deficiency of which manifests itself as de fatigue. Moreover, the alkaloids present in chocolate stimulate the central nervous system. Be careful with the presence of sugar as it reduces the stimulating properties of chocolate. It is therefore more interesting to consume it black, because of its higher cocoa content and lower sugar content.

3- Green tea helps fight fatigue thanks to the presence of theine and vitamin C. In addition, a hot drink upon waking helps the body to get going after the long rest period of the night. However, avoid drinking green tea with meals because it slows down the assimilation of iron.

4- Ginseng has anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting and toning properties. This plant, native to Asia, stimulates the nervous system and improves intellectual and physical capacities. Very rich in vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, ginseng is recommended for people who are weak or recovering. It is consumed in the form of capsules, powder, liquid extract or infusion.

5- Dried fruits such as almonds and hazelnuts are rich from an energy point of view due to their richness in vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as potassium and magnesium. Don't hesitate to eat them with your snacks.

dried fruits: hazelnuts

6- Spirulina, a freshwater microalgae is rich in iron, B vitamins, quality protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and other minerals and trace elements. It helps strengthen the body and fight fatigue. Spirulina is consumed in the form of food supplements in tablets, powder or flakes (

7- Guarana, native to South America, is four times more stimulating and energizing than coffee due to its high guaranine and caffeine content. This helps fight temporary fatigue and stimulates brain function. Guarana is consumed in the form of capsules or in drinks. Be careful not to choose sugary or exciting drinks that mention guarana on their packaging, as they are usually full of sugars and other stimulants and guarana is very weakly present.

8- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and parsley are anti-fatigue foods due to the presence of vitamin B9 or folic acid, which helps boost the immune system and fight anemia, which, as mentioned above, manifests itself asa lack of energy. These vegetables also contain magnesium, vitamin C and iron and can be easily integrated into your meals.

Spinach leaves

9- Goji berries, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, are considered "superfoods." They allow fight against fatigue, are beneficial for the liver and kidneys, purify the blood, ... These berries are consumed fresh, dried or in the form of juice and are very useful in case of chronic or transient fatigue.

10- Maca, an Ayurvedic plant from South America, helps fight physical fatigue, combat mild depression and decreased tone, and helps combat memory and concentration problems. So it is also a food anti-fatigue par excellence. You can consume it in powder or in capsules. Remember to choose organic. In powder form, maca can be mixed in water, fruit juice, smoothies or yogurt.

As you can see, these "boost" foods are a good help to fight fatigue. Combined with regular physical activity and good sleep, they will help you quickly regain energy and vitality. However, if the fatigue should persist, consider going to see a doctor.

Sarah Garny 7 May, 2019
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