Can diet rebalancing help to lose weight?

Many of us want to improve, both internally and externally. We fightoverweight, lack of energy and health problemsmany of which stemfromtoxic diets and lack of physical activity. When it comes to weight loss, the method of achieving it is the issue at hand. In this article, we'll look at howdiet rebalancing makes you lose weight.

What do we mean by food rebalancing?

Food rebalancing emphasizes the implementation of long-term healthy eating habits. It also involves cleansing your body back to its optimal state. It's about giving your body a rest to support the detoxification organs. This means avoiding bad fats and anything industrial (pastries, chips, cookies, etc.).

The nutritional rebalancing program

Here are some steps that will help youbalance your diet to lose weight while staying healthy.

  • Step 1: cleanse your body of toxins by eliminating common allergenic foods. This is done over a period of 30 days. Once foods have been reintroduced, it is easier to see their impact on your health.
  • Step 2: revitalize your body with high-quality nutrients (protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs)
  • Step 3: Supplement your body with minerals and vitamins through high-quality, dairy-free, soy-free, and gluten-free supplements.

Improve your digestive system

With an increase in fiber, the addition of protein, prebiotic foods and digestive enzyme, your digestive system will function at its best.

Have you ever heard of the microbiome? These are the bacteria that help digest your food, determine your appetite, control your metabolism and immune system. In short, they influence your mood and determine your health.

Increase nutrients and reduce toxicity

When we talk aboutdiet rebalancing forweight loss, we are not strictly talking about "detoxification". But you must:

  • Reduce your toxic load
  • Allow your detoxification organs to function efficiently and optimally.

Where do toxins come from? These come from stressors such as emotional distress, the environment, processed foods, cleaning products, and inactivity. The stress results in an accumulation of toxic substances. These then cause inflammation of the body. Because of this, reducing stressors and toxins will help you stay healthy!

Controlling blood sugar

control blood sugar

We need sugar on a daily basis, but in excess it becomes dangerous for our health. When the body has more sugar, it produces a lot of hormones calledinsulin. The latter forces us to conserve fat, in short too much sugar makes you fat. After 30 days of rebalancing your diet, your blood sugar level should be nice and stable.

Instead of sugar, you can use the agave syrup or the sevia. Preferably, you should learn as you go along to deprive yourself of the sweet taste. However, you can consumesugar in foods in its natural state. So fresh fruit should become your source of sugar to select. Avoid powdered and lumpy sugars as much as possible. Otherwise, limit your consumption of a low-calorie dessert to exceptional occasions among others.

Who is it for?

Dietary rebalancing is intended for anyone wishing to combat the excess weight, who feelstired or emotionally exhausted. Do you suffer from mid-afternoon energy slumps? Do you have digestive problems like bloating, flatulence...? You have acne, theeczema... ? Anyone who wants to take back control of their health and feel as good as possible could adoptdietary rebalancing.

It should be noted, however, that dietary rebalancing does not result in weight lossif your caloric intake remains the same. It promotes weight loss because we generally switch from a diet rich in fat and sugars to one rich in vegetables, fruits and proteins. These foods will decrease your daily caloric intake, which will help you lose weight.

Caloric intake: how to distribute it?

Dietary rebalancing involves matching one's caloric intake with one's energy expenditure. In the majority of cases, energy expenditure occurs from morning to afternoon. It is then a matter of havinga diet breakfast and consistent and a good lunch. Opt for a lighter diet because energy is expended in the evening and at night. In short, it is better to eat in the morning and at noon and less in the evening. If you work at night, adapt the meal plan to your activity schedule.

Food rebalancing and weight loss

weight loss and diet rebalancing

You will not achieve fast weight loss with diet rebalancing as you would with a quick or express diet. Yet, this diet program will guarantee that you will not gain back the lost pounds. Balanced diets allow losing weight without depriving yourself, while eating in a reasonable way.

This method is an evolutionary and profound change of consumption mode. It's a returnto healthy eating but tailored to individual tastes. It is a complete transformation of your perception of food.


Marie Dupont 6 June, 2019
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