Glutathione for optimal health

Certain physiological elements are essential to maintain optimal functions. Even if you lead a healthy life and eat a quality diet every day, some of these elements may be lacking, especially since many of them decrease with age: coenzyme Q10, silicon, glutathione, etc. These molecules naturally present in the body are used for tissue regeneration, but also to counteract the deleterious actions of stress and free radicals.

Who can boast of a stress-free life? In our modern and polluted societies, it seems that this is quite impossible even if we take care to manage it by relaxing activities, creative hobbies or even by sport and by a good oxygenation. Stress and pollution (atmospheric, food: additives and phytosanitary products, drugs, cosmetics...) accentuate the rarefaction of these vital molecules. This is why their contribution in the form of food supplements can be of great service.

It was Dr. Harman who first established the link between the impact of oxidative stress and the importance of free radicals and the aging process in 1956. He then put forward the hypothesis that the weakening of physiological functions as well as tissue and organic aging are largely caused by the accumulation of free radicals and by the oxidative damage they are responsible for.

Aging, a new theory

In order to explain the whole process of aging of the body, a theory has more recently emerged. She explains that at the ends of human chromosomes, chromosomes that make up our genome and DNA, there are telomeres. Their shortening seems to have a major impact on certain degenerative diseases, such as cancer or other neurodegenerative diseases, but also on the whole aging process. According to scientists, this progressive shortening constitutes a kind of molecular clock, a clock that would regulate the aging of living organisms. Serious studies have shown that certain key elements protect telomeres. Glutathione is one of these natural miracle molecules. This powerful antioxidant is also a major detoxifying agent. Neutralizing free radicals, it contributes to the maintenance of vital functions, and they ensure in particular the integrity and the effectiveness of the immune system.

We are all born with an optimal amount of glutathione, but as we have already explained, this essential substance (and many others) tends to decrease as we age. It is now known that organic and physiological aging begins at the age of 25, as soon as the body has finished growing. The wear and tear of tissues, the reduction of physiological functions as well as the accumulation of toxins and the increase in the quantities of free radicals, all contribute to aging if we are not careful.

It is possible to slow down the aging process in various ways and the consumption of natural antioxidants through the diet (fruits and vegetables colored and raw or undercooked) or through supplementation with quality food supplements. Supplementing a healthy diet with glutathione or coenzyme Q10, for example, supports the body in neutralizing more free radicals.

Glutathione: the superhero of oxidation

Compared to other antioxidants, glutathione has the advantage of being versatile. That is to say that in addition to being very efficient in its task of neutralizing toxins, it has the ability to recycle itself in a large proportion. Thus, after a few weeks of glutathione replenishment, it is quite possible to maintain the results and optimal glutathione levels with lower doses.

This oxidation superhero has several strings to its bow since it helps reduce inflammation and protects telomeres by reducing the phenomenon of shortening.

The liposomal glutathione, designed according to a recent technology, is endowed with a tenfold direct intracellular penetration capacity without being damaged. Its encapsulation in liposomes allows it to arrive intact in the cell, so it is much more effective there. Optimal levels of glutathione allow cells to regain their full natural capacity. This is how cells can restore and regenerate themselves in a spontaneous and natural way. Maintaining a constant level of glutathione on a daily basis provides the body with the ability to fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

Let's remember that the three keys to maintaining health, escaping pathological processes and slowing down aging are: antioxidants (= protection against various oxidative stresses) - immunity (to fight against external aggressions) - detoxification (= neutralization and elimination of toxins and toxics). Absorbing natural antioxidant molecules, protecting and restoring your immune system and detoxifying your body on a regular basis are acts that will guarantee energy, health, vitality, well-being and general balance.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 26 January, 2018
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