Lyme disease, how to avoid it

Nowadays, there are still diseases that can leave allopathic medicine without any real solution. In these cases, patients feel abandoned, left to their own devices and find themselves psychologically and physically on the brink of collapse.

Lyme disease is one of those infections that leave doctors and patients in disarray. 

But fortunately, as in many cases, nature is there to help you.

Zoom sur la maladie de Lyme

Lyme disease, also known as Lyme borreliosis, is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. This infectious disease is transmitted via a bite from an infected tick. Because yes, a tick doesn't bite, it bites.

Lyme borreliosis can attack several organs and systems (among others the nervous system), the skin, but also the joints. If not treated promptly, the disease worsens and lasts for several years, even decades. The main treatment for this disease is based on taking specific antibiotics.

This infection is widespread worldwide. Between 2011 and 2018, reported cases increased 2.51-fold. Since then, there has been a slight decrease, likely due to prevention and information campaigns.

Les tiques, toutes en cause ?

The bacteria responsible for the disease is mostly transmitted via bites. This is why the various campaigns against Lyme disease are directly related to the bites of these arachnid mites.

The ticks live in wooded areas, tall prairie grass, gardens, and parks. The majority of contaminations by tick bites occur between early spring and late fall. In this period, therefore, it is advisable to be vigilant and do a tick inspection after every walk.

Although all ticks are treated as if they are dangerous, not all carry the disease. However, if by some misfortune an erythema (a red plaque that spreads in concentric circles around the bite) appears on your skin after a tick bite, the problem must be promptly managed to avoid any risk of worsening the disease.

In general, it can take several days for the first rash to appear, so keep an eye on the area for a month after the tick is found.

Les gestes pour éviter la borréliose de Lyme

Because thinking ahead is the best way to stay healthy, you can adopt a few simple habits thatwill keep ticks off your skin.

  1. Apply tick repellent to your skin and clothing before your walks.

  2. When walking in the woods or in tall grass, opt for long pants and high socks that cover your legs completely.

  3. Also remember to cover your arms if you spend several hours in the woods.

  4. Prefer to walk on maintained dirt or gravel paths.

  5. Do a tick inspection after each outing. Double check warm and humid areas such as armpits, knees, elbows, behind the ears, ...

If despite all these precautions you find a tick, what to do?

Quel faire en cas de morsure de tique ?

The first reflex is to remove the tick as soon as possible using a tick forceps that can be found in pharmacies.

The best thing to do is to have it removed by the pharmacist, who will know how to proceed so that the head of the tick does not remain attached.

Guide pour retirer une tique par soi-même

As explained above, when you remove a tick, the most important thing is that the head goes with it. Otherwise, the risk is that the tick will continue to spread the bacteria into your bloodstream. 

To remove a tick, proceed in steps with a tick forceps:

First, catch the tick as close to the skin as possible. You have to take its rostrum, a kind of "stinger", with it.

Then, gently turn the pliers to detach the tick and not pull it out. It is advisable to soak the tick with any product (alcohol, ether, petroleum jelly, ...) before removing it, as this may either cause the tick to tighten (and the head will remain stuck) or release saliva (which contains bacteria) into your bloodstream.

When the tick is completely removed, you can disinfect the bitten area without forgetting the tick tweezers.

If the tick is not completely gone, consult a doctor or pharmacist quickly.

Que faire après avoir retiré la tique ?

In addition to monitoring thebitten area for a few weeks, you can also do a few more preventative things. 

After the disinfection of the bite, you can place a compress soaked in colloidal silver on it for the rest of the day.

In addition, taking a course of grapefruit seed extract would have a useful antibacterial action in this case.

Use: 10 drops morning, noon and night to be diluted in 15 to 30 milliliters of water for several days.

Alexia Bernard 28 April, 2021
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