Bach Flowers: 7 elixirs for those who lack interest in reality

Clematis, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose, Olive, White Chestnut, Chestnut Bud and Mustard are the 7 elixirs among all the Bach flowers that provide relief and support for people who tend to run away from reality, want to get away from their everyday lives and feel trapped in their routine. Find out more about each elixir, so you can choose the one that's right for you. 

Clematis, to anchor you in reality

Clematis or hedge clematis is a creeper that can grow up to 12 m tall. Its fragrant blooms last from July to September.

It is number 9.

Clematis, the flower of reality. Clematis elixir is for people who find it difficult to live in the real world, and who are often in the moonlight... Their imaginary world thrives, and they're unmoored, dreamy and sorely lacking in concentration. Clematis are "romantics", artistic souls. They show little interest in what's going on around them.

Thanks to Clematis elixir, you come back down to earth, perfectly anchored, with an accurate and aligned perception of reality. You open up to the outside world, enriching your inner world.

The mantra would be"I'm perfectly anchored in the here-and-now while being an artist in my own life".


Honeysuckle, the Bach flower that helps you move forward

Honeysuckle grows in our forests, on the edges of woods or in sandy soil. It blooms in summer from July to August.

It is number 16.

Honeysuckle, the flower of the assimilated past. When we're in the negative honeysuckle state, we're still prey to our past. Mired in sterile nostalgia, it's difficult to move forward.

Honeysuckle elixir invites you to get in touch with your past, to assimilate it so you can either mourn it or at least integrate it and move on. Honeysuckle helps you see the past as fertile ground on which to build your present and future.

The mantra would be"it happened, it's over now, I'm safe now."


Wild Rose, the elixir that adds sweetness to your life

Wild Rose is a wild rose that grows in forests and hedges. Its pale to deep pink flowers open between June and August.

It is number 37.

Wild Rose, the flower of joie de vivre. Wild Rose elixir helps to accept the present and find contentment.

Wild Rose Bach Flower is mainly for people who feel resigned, who feel that everything is falling apart around them, that there's no hope and that the present is a prison. Apathy is one of the characteristics of Wild Rose people.

By taking Wild Rose elixir, you can re-mobilize your vital energy to regain the upper hand and gradually let life flow through you. This Bach flower will give you back your motivation, help you say yes to life and put pleasure back at the heart of your priorities. 

Her mantra would be:"I let the breath of life flow through me and welcome the beauty of the present".


Olive, from exhaustion to serenity

Olive is a tree that grows around the Mediterranean basin. Depending on the country, it blooms over several months in spring.

It bears the number 23.

Olive, the flower of regeneration. Olive Bach Elixir is for people who are in a state of deep fatigue and total exhaustion. The Olive person can't even get out of bed in the morning. These are people who are so exhausted, so completely drained that body and mind no longer respond.

Olive will help you get a good night's sleep, take care of yourself, reconnect the links and learn to respect your inner rhythm.

His mantra would be"I am at peace".


White Chestnut, the Bach flower for mental calm

White Chestnut is this huge, magnificent tree that grows in our parks.

It is number 35.

White Chestnut, the flower of thoughts. White Chestnut is the flower for all those who have thoughts that go round and round, that little bicycle in the head that keeps spinning and spinning. White Chestnut elixir is also suitable for people who tend to ruminate, to replay, to replay past scenarios, or who have a mental load that just keeps getting heavier. By taking White Chestnut, you allow yourself to cut through this inner monologue and move on. 

The mantra would be: " I feel inner calm and my thoughts are soothed ".


Chestnut Bud to cut repetitive patterns

Chestnut Bud is the horse chestnut tree. Chestnut Bud & White Chestnut are the same tree, but here we use only the buds.

It's number 7. 

Chestnut Bud, the flower of learning. Chestnut Bud people tend to reproduce the same negative patterns. They also have the impression of not progressing, of going round in circles, of always meeting the same type of toxic people, of always making the same choices that, in the end, don't suit them, etc.... 

Chestnut Bud elixir will help you integrate life's lessons, understand your mistakes, learn from your experiences and regain some control over your life.

The mantra would be"I've got it, now I'm moving on".


Mustard, the elixir that brings light

Mustard is a plant that can reach 60 cm in height and grows in fields and along paths. Its yellow flowers bloom from May to July.

It is number 21.

Mustard, the flower of light. Mustard is the Bach Flower elixir that brings light into the darkness. It is for people who feel a deep sadness or melancholy for no apparent reason. It is also the Bach Flower for those who feel negative, slowed down, who have an unexpected drop in vital strength. Moreover, this state is often cyclical: it comes and goes, without really knowing why. In addition, hypersensitivity can be exacerbated, making you feel edgy and sensitive...

Thanks to Mustard elixir, you'll regain a certain lucidity, a balanced sensitivity and a little more lightness.

His mantra would be"my heart is light, I am filled with joy".  

Source: all information taken from Mechthild Scheffer's book "Manuel complet des quintessence florales du Docteur Bach" published by Le Courrier du livre

Alexia Bernard 23 July, 2020
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