Study on genome degradation and toxic accumulation

Whether it is a genetic capital that has lapsed or an unbalanced glandular tendency due to the many endocrine disruptors we are subjected to, it will be the future children who will be the first victims. The umbilical cord blood of a child born today contains 300 to 400 toxins. This was not the case just a century ago. This "poisoning" from birth is obviously quite abnormal. It is a phenomenon never seen before in the evolution of the human species.

Evolution and transmission of genetic capital

If we look at the chronology of the evolution and transmission of genetic capital, we see that many epigenetic factors have changed in a single century. Thus, people born during or just after the Second World War were almost all still breastfed. They are among the first to be vaccinated. However, they still benefited from a relatively healthy diet with little petrochemical contamination. We can therefore consider that the genetic capital and the glandular tendency that they transmitted to their children were still relatively healthy, especially since their parents, their grandparents and their ancestors had not themselves experienced the industrial and petrochemical era.

1960s, omnipotence of the chemical sector

Born in the 60s and 65s, the next generation saw the omnipotence of medicine and the chemical sector. We are witnessing a period of excessive medicalization. Modern medicine will cure everything! We remove everything that is in excess and seems unnecessary: tonsils, vegetations, appendages, everything goes!" The scientific community currently agrees that these are all indispensable immune barriers. Feminism leads to the emancipation of women who no longer want to be "enslaved". A modern and active woman has neither the taste nor the time for breastfeeding. Breast milk, which is so beneficial, is replaced by cow's milk for the calf. The growth hormones it contains make it a beast of about 1 ton. This coincides with the beginning of the current obesity epidemic.

Endocrine disruptors (then totally unknown) work in the shadows to sabotage future generations.

The 60's were also the time of sexual liberation. The use of oral contraceptives is becoming more widespread. The number of mandatory (or recommended) vaccines and their boosters is increasing significantly. The big supermarkets are developing and industrial food is becoming part of everyone's daily life. Television is also entering the family. Capitalism will save the entire planet from poverty. The American dream invades Europe. Material and possession become paramount. Money makes everything possible. Man believes he is the master of the world. Endocrine disruptors (then totally unknown) work in the shadows to sabotage future generations.

Beginning of the development of new electronic technologies

Young people born in the 1980s accumulate all of these health disruptors. During these years, we begin to hear about AIDS and the increase in cancer cases. Many autoimmune diseases such as polyarthritis, spondyloarthritis and multiple sclerosis also appear. Other diseases of civilization such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or thyroid problems are still rare and little known. We start to talk about allergy and intolerance.

More and more vaccinations are recommended, even for benign diseases, which have even disappeared. Teeth are straightened with dental plates, feet with insoles, breasts are reshaped with silicone prostheses, and noses and buttocks are reshaped if they are too prominent. Both men and women want to copy the image of movie stars, TV stars or even look like the images of models in advertisements. Appearance and superficiality take over from deep values, culture and spirituality.

It is also the beginning of the development of new electronic technologies. Waves are becoming established in the medical field (ultrasound, scintigraphy, mammography, etc.), but also in everyone's daily life with computers and the first mobile or wireless phones. Television becomes the main focus of family interest. Advertising increasingly stimulates desires (mainly those of children), arouses lust and generates frustrations.

In the field of food, genetic engineering (GMO) is penetrating the cereal market to the heart of the genome of seeds and legumes. It is the reign of sodas and fast food. Everything must go fast! The microwave oven allows you to quickly heat up ready-made meals or baby bottles. In addition, smoking and drinking "make men" and give a very "cool" or "in" image! All of this is done with the help of advertising that is heavily promoted on small screens.

junk food

This second generation accumulates in its genome the double morbid imprint, its own and that of its parents. The genetic makeup and balance of the endocrine glands are becoming increasingly burdened with pathological risk factors.

The peak is reached with the 2000-2010 generation

It accumulates and accumulates all these drifts and toxics. At the beginning of this millennium, children are born with 300 to 400 toxic chemical molecules, all of them genetic and endocrine disruptors, in their umbilical cord blood. This is the sad result of 2 generations of intoxication.

In the end, the terrain, genetic heritage and glandular profile are completely weakened and unbalanced. Allergies, intolerances, autoimmune diseases, cancers are in the news. In the last century, pathologies such as hypertension (circulatory problems), diabetes or even cancers only affected elderly people at the end of their lives. Now they affect all generations including very young children.

Chemical medicine and vaccinations have not solved anything. They only aggravate the allergic phenomena and weaken the ground. Asepsis is king. There is no more room for contact with "nasty germs" or childhood diseases. However, they are very useful since they are one of the essential actors in the development of immunity and the growth of the child. This is what eminent doctors and researchers such as Dr. André Gernez or renowned homeopaths such as Claude-Albert Quemoun or Édouard Broussailan, but also the late Sylvie Simon, a specialist in vaccinations, or her accomplice, the late Claire Séverac, have stated.

This third generation, victim of the enormous accumulation of the morbid imprints of the previous generations, is marked by a real impoverishment of its health capital and is currently giving birth to children with numerous health problems, some of which are classified as genetic. However, genetics does not explain everything!

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 14 May, 2017
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