Very useful tips for cancer prevention!

In the field of cancer, current research focuses on treatments and screening, all financed by the industrial giants of the pharmaceutical, petrochemical and agri-food industries.

Preventive strategies, such as avoiding exposure to radiation or chemical toxins, or the application of dietary measures, the practice of cures, diets or detoxifying diets such as the Gerson cure, the nutritional approach of Dr. Nick Gonzalez, the stimulation of immune defenses or medical treatments based on cannabis are not taken into consideration at all. Be aware that there are ways to avoid the damage of these diseases that shatter lives and families, but to do so, you must take control of your health, act on the causes well before the cancer sets in. Here are some essential preventive principles to apply:

1. Avoid sugars and mainly fructose, which is apparently in direct relation to insulin resistance, a pre-diabetic state that makes the terrain particularly conducive to tumor development. Total daily consumption of fructose should be less than 25 grams per day, including fruit. It is even wiser to keep your fructose intake below 15 grams, as there is a good chance that you are eating other foods that contain "hidden" fructose. They are found, for example, in sweetened beverages and in processed foods.


2. Optimize your vitamin D intake: There is a great deal of evidence that vitamin D deficiency can cause tumor development. Scientists estimate that 30% of cancer deaths could be prevented by simple vitamin D supplementation. Knowing that sun exposure alone optimizes blood levels of vitamin D and reduces the risk of cancer by more than half, this is the best prevention to reach blood levels of vitamin D of 80 to 90 µg/ml, and let's definitely put aside the idea that sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, this risk only exists in case of excessive exposure and abuse of sun cream.


3. Exercise: although this measure seems less directly related to pathological development, there is nevertheless irrefutable evidence that exercise reduces the risk of cancer by acting directly on the high levels of insulin, sets up a low-sugar terrain and therefore not very conducive to the growth of cancer cells. Active women are known to have significantly lower rates of colon and breast cancer than their sedentary counterparts. Remember to vary your sports practices and work on strength, aerobic and high intensity exercise or endurance as well as stretching and flexibility.


4. Get enough high-quality omega-3s. Of animal or vegetable origin, omega-3 fatty acids are very powerful assets in the anti-cancer strategy, because from a neurological point of view, they permanently short-circuit the genes that are responsible for certain cancers.


5. Absorbing omega-3 that calms us, having a healthy diet and lifestyle is one thing, but working on releasing and managing our emotions is another equally essential one, as it is now certain that 85% of the triggering of disease would depend on emotions.


6. Among our populations, only 25% of people eat enough vegetables. Ideally, they should be fresh and of organic origin. Cruciferous vegetables are the ones that have real anti-cancer properties, but all vegetables are beneficial and their consumption quantity should be 300% higher than the protein intake.


7. It is also recommended to include in the diet of berries and other exotic fruits colored (mango, papaya, pomegranate, kiwi ...) for their antioxidant virtues and their vitamin contributions, but also dried fruits such as hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts rich in vitamin E, A and B.


8. Choose steaming or poaching over grilling or frying. In any case, eat as much raw or "al dente" food as possible.


9. Allow yourself time to relax and breathe to relieve stress and learn to manage it.


10. - Maintain an ideal body weight,

  •  Get enough quality sleep,
  • Reduce as much as possible the absorption and exposure to environmental toxins (food products, cosmetics and household cleaning products), synthetic perfumes and air pollution,
  • Reduce the use of cell phones and other wireless and radiating technologies.


These are a series of simple measures that are the best preventive measures to keep your health.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 7 October, 2017
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