How to boost your immune system naturally?

The cold weather is fast approaching. Perhaps it is already installed in your area? In this article, we suggest you discover all the natural and practical tips to put in place to boost your immune system in order to spend a most serene winter... 

"Let food be your first medicine" chanted Hippocrates, the father of medicine.

A healthy, hypotoxic and balanced diet is a guarantee of good health. Indeed, all the nutrients contained in your diet participate in the proper functioning of your body. Beyond the contributions in vitamins, trace elements and minerals, fiber helps in the development of your intestinal flora. 

Put it on your plate to boost your immune system:

  • raw or lightly cooked organic (or garden) fruits and vegetables at every meal
  • whole or semi-complete cereals (rice, quinoa, buckwheat, wheat, millet etc.)
  • of legumes (peas, lentils, beans, etc.)
  • sprouted seeds, seaweed flakes (spirulina, nori...)
  • oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds...) and unroasted and unsalted seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, pine nuts...)

Foods to limit to maintain a good immune system

  • red meat (2 times a week maximum)
  • dairy products
  • alcohol
  • sugar (prefer coconut sugar which has a good sweetening power but a relatively low glycemic index)
  • the delicatessen

To be banned 

  • industrial dishes ("box", quiches, pizzas, lasagne, canned food, pastries...)

Probiotics, those bacteria that want you well

A large part of your immune system immune system is made in your gut from your gut microbiota. A quality flora means good health. 

Drug treatments, including anti-inflammatory drugs and especially antibioticsThey wash away everything in their path: bad bacteria as well as good bacteria. .... It is therefore essential to rebuild your intestinal flora if you have already used these treatments.

Seeding is good. Then you have to feed them! This microbiome develops, diversifies and is enriched thanks to the input of fiber (as mentioned above) but also of lacto-fermented products (sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir...). 

On the other hand, animal proteins, sugar, refined cereals, industrial products, and additives of all kinds tend to unbalance the ratio of fermentation flora (the one we want) / putrefaction flora (the one to avoid).

Practice exercise to boost your immune response.

It cannot be repeated often enough that sport is good for your health. There are all kinds, you will find the one that suits you. From a simple walk almost daily to a more sustained workout, sports mobilize your entire body. It is also an excellent outlet to recharge your batteries, fill up on dopamine and serotonin (pleasure and good mood hormone) and release stress. This last point is important. Stress makes the body very tired. If left unchecked, it can lead to a exhaustion syndrome leading to burnout, depression or even physical injury. 

More and more doctors are prescribing their patients to do sports, and even yoga !

"Prevention is better than cure": herbal medicine to support you

The aforementioned tips are the foundation to ensure you have good health. Herbs, on the other hand, can potentiate the effects of this base, support the action of your immune system and thus short-circuit the onset of a cold, gastroenteritis, flu or seasonal depression...

The friends plants are: the thymeRosemary, bay leaves, savory, oregano, cloves (in short, all the herbs you can put in your soup and sauces!) No need to go to the end of the world to benefit from "magic" plants. Your gardens, your kitchen are full of them!

Getting some fresh air to reconnect the body and mind

When the weather permits, get out to get the air: a walk in a park, a stroll in the countryside, a walk in the woods. Not only is it a great morale booster, but it also reconnects you to nature. This is very important for your inner balance. Studies have shown that meditation stimulates the immune response in the event of infection. Walking in nature is a form of meditation, it invites you to live in the moment and enjoy each moment in contemplation. 

All these tips are meant to be practical, pragmatic and inexpensive. They are easy to implement if you decide to take charge of your health. Some habits are hard to change. Do it gradually or you will get frustrated and give up. Do not hesitate to consult a naturopath to help you in your approach.

One rule of thumb is common sense. You have the right to make gaps: you will compensate the next day!

Alexia Bernard 19 November, 2019
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