These foods that make you age

Did you know that certain foods are known to accelerate aging?

Some of them are even launched on the market and deceptively advertised as providing certain benefits. We should seriously consider reducing them.

Why not turn to other healthy foods that slow down aging?

This could save you 10 years in terms of your appearance (skin, hair), but also in a deeper way in your tissues.

From a physiological perspective, 3 processes have a major impact on aging. These are glycation, inflammation and oxidation.

It is the final residues of glycation that are toxic and aggressive are called AGEs and accelerate the aging process. This process is favored by wheat and its derivatives, but also all cereals that contain gluten.


High blood sugar is another factor that increases aging. This is why type 2 diabetics often look older than their age. But you don't have to be diabetic to be subject to the deleterious effects of sugar. The wheat contains amylopectin-A, a substance that has the effect of increasing blood sugar levels. All foods derived from wheat such as bread, baguettes, cereals (at gluten), bread rolls and all other cookies and pastries cause the same phenomenon.

Tests with a device that measures blood sugar levels have shown that :

  • 45 minutes after eating 2 slices of whole-wheat wheat bread: blood sugar levels in blood increased from 86 on an empty stomach to 155.
  • 45 minutes after eating a bowl of oatmeal in an amount equivalent to the weight of 2 slices of bread): blood sugar goes from 86 to 112.

These massive increases in blood sugar levels obviously promote aging, but also health problems such as insulin resistance and pre-diabetes or diabetes.

Not to mention that in addition to promoting these insulin spikes, gluten is increasingly recognized as a factor that promotes inflammation. Inflammatory terrain is conducive to the development of all degenerations and chronic pathologies.

Adding to this problem is the fact that flour and gluten based foods are always baked and browned; yet anything crispy, grilled or browned generates unhealthy molecules.

So there you have it, a series of good reasons to go without gluten.


HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 22 March, 2015
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