8 symptoms of pregnancy that are rarely recognized by women

The first sign of pregnancy is the moment most awaited by women who wish to have the heart of the family in hope. The presence of pregnancy symptoms shows that the presence of a baby in their family is only waiting for time. The family feels more complete with the presence of expected children. What are the characteristics of a pregnant person usually encountered in the early days? Occasionally, a married couple is not familiar with the characteristics of this pregnancy. They are sometimes still confused about the symptoms of pregnancy and the upcoming period.

Characteristics and symptoms of early pregnancy

Many women feel that the symptoms of pregnancy can only be seen on one side, namely the late arrival of menstruation. Indeed, one of these symptoms is the end of the period.

Remember that late periods are not just caused by pregnancy. There are many things that affect it, such as food, the stressfatigue, hormonal disorders, etc.

In addition to the delay in menstruation, consider other features of the pregnancy, namely:

Changes occur in the breast

If pregnancy occurs, the breasts enlarge, which is caused by increased production of the hormoneestrogen and progesterone. In addition, the condition of the breasts will be softer. This will create more sensitivity, so the breasts will be painful to touch.

Large nipples indicate the characteristics of pregnancy and the color darkens, sometimes itching. Veins in the chest may also occur due to tension in the chest.

In addition, there is hormonal activity in pregnant women. These hormones are produced by the body when mothers are pregnant to prepare breast milk for unborn babies.

Spots followed by abdominal cramps

These blood spots appear before the onset of menstruation, usually between 8 and 10 days after ovulation. Blood spots as a characteristic of pregnancy comes from the implantation or attachment of an embryo to the uterine wall. The appearance of blood spots during pregnancy is sometimes confused with menstruation.

In addition, the discharge of blood spots is usually followed by abdominal cramps. Abdominal cramps in pregnant women will occur regularly. This condition of abdominal cramping will continue into the second trimester of pregnancy until the location of the uterus is central and supported by the pelvis.

Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)

About 50% of pregnant women will experience these pregnancy symptoms. The trigger is a sudden increase of hormones in the blood. The hormone is HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). In addition to the blood, an increase in this hormone also occurs in the urinary tract.

Therefore, the pregnancy test pack uses urine media. This is done to measure the increase in HCG hormone levels. This increase in hormones will cause a painful effect on the lining of the stomach and nausea.

Nausea as a sign of early pregnancy usually disappears during the second trimester of pregnancy. If nausea and vomiting still occur in the second trimester of pregnancy, you should see a doctor, as this will interfere with the pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting are called morningnausea, because it usually occurs in the morning. In fact, nausea and vomiting can occur day and night. In fact, morning sickness only occurs when pregnant women smell certain odors or scents.

Frequent urination

After menstruation is one to two weeks late, the desire to urinate becomes more frequent than usual. In fact, the fetus that develops in the uterus suppresses the bladder.

In addition, the bladder fills more quickly with urine and the desire to urinate becomes more frequent. An increase in the sensation of urination is also caused by an increase in pregnancy hormones.

Dizziness and headaches

The first pregnancy symptoms are vertigo and headache common. They often result from physical factors such as fatigue, nausea, hunger and low blood pressure.

On the other hand, the emotional cause is the feeling of tension and depression. The increased blood supply throughout the body can also cause dizziness when the mother changes position.


Constipation is a symptom of pregnancy. It results from an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone, in addition to relaxing the muscles of the uterus, also affects the relaxation of the muscles of the intestinal wall. This causes constipation or difficulty in defecating. The advantage of this situation is that it allows a better absorption of nutrients during pregnancy.


This early sign of pregnancy is due to the influence of changes in the hormone estrogen. It usually occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy signs like this usually disappear after pregnancy until the second trimester, so pregnant women will not do it again.

Increase in basal body temperature

In case of pregnancy or ovulation, the basal body temperature of the pregnant woman will increase. This condition will persist during pregnancy. It will not decrease before ovulation.

The pregnancy symptoms mentioned above are personal. Not all women in early pregnancy have these characteristics. That is, the characteristics of pregnant women, beyond those who all experience it, vary, but some do not complain.


Marie Dupont 14 November, 2019
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