

Announcement: Most of the products in the HERBALGEM range are changing format from February! Discover the new 30ML formats!

HerbalGem is a dynamic and innovative company which has been developing for more than 20 years gemmotherapy remedies and herbal extracts for the well-being of the whole family.

How are the Herbalgem preparations made?

  • The mother tinctures are made with dry plants and are now considered as medicines, therefore subject to the pharmaceutical monopoly. The quantity of plant used is 100 grams of dry plant per kg of finished product = ratio 1/1 (= as many plants equivalent to the fresh weight as alcohol at 80°) (less when it is about seeds or flowers alone)

  • The alcoholatures are made in a similar way, but with fresh plants. The quantity of plant is on average equal to the weight of alcohol, i.e. 500 grs per kg of finished product (ratio 1/1)

The maceration is carried out in organic wheat alcohol at 96° or 80°, during 1 week; then one reduces to 40° /volume by adding distilled water, and the maceration continues during at least 3 weeks. This is done in glass bottles, simply filtered with organic cotton, and stored in tinted glass bottles.

NOCTIGEM - Spray GC11 - organic
15.80 € 15.80 €
NOCTIGEM - GC11 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
Improves the quality of sleep
MIDOGEM FORTE - GC25 Spray - organic
15.80 € 15.80 €
To relieve headaches as soon as they appear
MIDOGEM CONFORT - GC24 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
To alleviate cerebral tensions
MEMOGEM - GC10 - organic
15.80 € 15.80 €
Enhances the memory
MEMOGEM - GC10 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
Improves the memory
Horse Chestnut bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Improves blood circulation and relieves heavy legs
15.80 € 15.80 €
IMMUNOGEM - GC09 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
Supports immunity
Mistletoe bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Contributes to the proper functioning of the heart and the maintenance of blood pressure
GINKGOGEM - GC08 - organic
22.90 € 22.90 €
Improves concentration
Ginkgo bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Acts on cerebral circulation
Juniper bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Supports the depurative action of the liver
Ash bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Relieves joint pain
Raspberry bud extract - organic
14.90 € 14.90 €
Raspberry bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Contributes to women's well-being
Fig tree bud extract - organic
14.90 € 14.90 €
Fig tree bud extract - organic
19.90 € 19.90 €
Soothes the body and mind