Les vernis Benecos 

Benecos vegan nail polish is available in many colors, all free of formaldehyde, phthalates, camphor, parabens and silicones. It not only leaves nails beautiful and shiny, but it is completely natural, oxygen or water permeable and provides particularly gentle care for the nails thanks to avocado oil and biotin.

How to apply your varnish ?

  1. File your nails carefully.
  2. To get the best possible result, make sure to clean your nails beforehand (using an oil-free nail polish remover for example, or a hand bath)
  3. Apply the polish and let your nails air dry, without using a hair dryer to dry.
  4. To harden the result, quickly run your nails under cold water.

Notes:For a long lasting hold, it is preferable to apply two coats of the varnish, and then apply the Top Coat "crystal" to finish.