Sassy water: the new miracle drink for slimming?

Among the many, many weight loss tips, Sassy water is the new trend with the tempting promise of losing 3 kg per week. Created by the American journalist Cynthia Sass, who was unable to lose weight after giving birth, this drink is a combination of healthy foods known to facilitate weight loss. Sassy water was born. Discover the recipe and the properties of each of its ingredients in the following article.

Eau de Sassy : la recette pour commencer

Extremely simple to make, this drink is prepared the day before.

You need:

  • 1.5 to 2 l of filtered or boiled water

  • 1 cucumber, peeled and cut into thin slices

  • 1 lemon yellow organic lemon sliced thinly 

  • 12 fresh mint leaves

  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger

Put all ingredients in a pitcher and let macerate overnight in the refrigerator.

Then, just drink it throughout the day. Remember to put it back in the fridge after you use it.

Propriétés générales de l’eau de Sassy

This thirst-quenching and diuretic drink helps the body burn fat and flush it out without straining it. Thus, you lose weight while filling up on vitamins, enzymes and minerals. 

According to the creator, Sassy's water is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, people allergic to any of the ingredients and those suffering from ulcers or gastritis.

Eau de Sassy : pourquoi du citron ?

Contrary to what it might make you think, lemon is not acidifying. Quite the contrary. Its rather basic ph helps to rebalance the acid-base balance. This property is interesting because in cases of poor dietary hygiene, the tendency is strongly towards acidosis. Lemon thus restores the aforementioned balance while providingvitamins including C which is reputed to be anti-oxidant. 

Lemon, on the other hand, drains and protects the liver. It activates detoxification by the liver. This makes it an important ingredient to complete the slimming process.

Le rôle du concombre dans l’eau de Sassy

The cucumber Is a diuretic rich in nutrients and extremely low in calories. It thereby activates the kidney function in order to eliminate toxins stored in fats as well as fats through the urine. Contrary to some diuretics which also evacuate minerals, tiring the body at the same time, the cucumber remineralizes it. This cure is then no longer a strain on the body, it nourishes it.

La menthe apaisante 

Mint soothes digestive discomforts such as bloating, irregular transit, intestinal inflammation, digestive laziness.

Et le gingembre, la clé de voûte de cette boisson « miracle »

The ginger Ginger is a spice that has long been recommended in Ayurvedic medicine to help lose weight. Ginger is a spice with many slimming virtues.

First of all, it acts at the level of digestion by stimulating the secretion of enzyme and the manufacture of the bile which makes it possible to digest greases. 

Secondly, it lowers the blood sugar level in the blood.

Finally, still on the digestive level, the ginger improves the effectiveness of leptin, which is the satiety hormone and regulates fat stores in the body. It is interesting to note that in 2012, according to a study conducted at Columbia University in the United States, people consuming 2 grams of ginger powder in a cup of hot water at breakfast felt fuller than those who did not take it.

At the same time, its action is also carried out at the adrenal level by lowering the level of cortisol known as the stress hormone responsible for weight gain and especially for the difficulty in losing abdominal fat in some people.

The ginger Is used in traditional Chinese medicine to "warm up". Indeed, this spicy condiment accelerates metabolism, warming the body. This property is quite interesting because it will intervene in the process accelerating the "burning of calories" in order to regulate the body temperature. 

Finally, ginger is a tonic. It provides a boost of energy, allowing you to embark on a physical activity with form and enthusiasm, knowing that getting moving is essential to losing weight. 

It is obvious that alone, the Sassy water will not be enough to lose weight. It will have to be combined with a lifestyle hygiene and an adapted and personalized diet. And yes... The miracle lies in the synergy of the techniques you are going to put in place!

Alexia Bernard 15 July, 2019
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