Yoni eggs : Interview with Peggy Tournigand Part 2

In the first part of our articlePeggy explained to us what a yoni egg is for and how to use it. Let's find out more tips on yoni eggs now so you can use them wisely and consciously.

  • Hello Peggy, thank you for allowing our readers to discover the yoni eggs. Today, we would like to know why the eggs are made of semi-precious stone?

The yoni egg allows to take advantage of the particular benefits of each stone. Indeed, if the egg acts on the physical level (it allows us to tone up our perineum and to bring awareness to this area), it also acts on the energetic level thanks to the material that composes it.

This is called the lithotherapy (from lithos, "stone" and therapeia, "cure"), or art of healing with stones. This gentle and effective medicine has always been used to relieve, liberate and balance our mind, body and heart. Lithotherapy helps us on the physical, psychological and spiritual levels.

Each stone has particular properties: some calm (like rose quartz); others stimulate (like carnelian, red jasper...), reinforce or create a protection (like the black tourmalineothers open to the intuition (as the lapis lazuli, the amethyst, quartz crystal...).

  • From a physical point of view, is it easy to use? Should we be afraid for insertion or withdrawal?

Can the egg get stuck... or "lost" in the vagina?

The question is quite legitimate, and the answer is no, rest assured! If you are familiar with this area of your body, you understand that it can only stay in your vagina. This is because it is closed on all sides: by the anus and large intestine on one side, by the bladder on the other, and by the cervix on top. So there is no risk of it getting stuck or "up" or "lost" in your system.

On the other hand, you should know that the egg can go wherever it wants to go in your vagina. If you choose rose quartz, for example, which is a stone that promotes repair, it can nestle a little longer in the part that has been injured.

The egg comes out by itself when it has finished its work. You can also get it out yourself by using the "frog" position.

  • Is it suitable for all ages of women?

Yoni eggs can be used by all women who wish to regain their feminine power, and even the youngest women or girls, whatever their age. It will, of course, simply be necessary to adapt the practice.

  • For little girls: the egg can be placed under the pillow or on the bedside table to familiarize them with the power of the stone, to open their intuition and to encourage dialogue.
  • For teenagers: a small egg can be a nice gift for the first period. It is also an opportunity for a discussion, and a simple and natural transmission from woman to woman.
  • For adult women: it can be used at any age, to get to know each other better, to learn to trust each other, to play with one's partner... It can also be used after childbirth to reeducate the perineum.
  • During the menopause: the egg brings an effective solution to relieve certain evils. It also allows you to continue your life as a woman, and to enjoy this period as much as possible.
  • Single or in couple, it doesn't matter either. The egg can be present in the life of every woman, at any time of her life.
While the egg can be used by all women, there are rare exceptions.
  • If you are pregnant or have just given birth, ask your doctor or gynecologist for advice first.
  • Do not use eggs if you have an infection (of the vagina, vulva or bladder) or any other gynecological problem.
  • During menstruation, the practice is generally not recommended. Indeed, during this period, the woman already has a lot of energy and inner power. No need to add to it! But there is nothing to stop you from trying: the most important thing is to listen to your body and observe your reactions. It is up to you to see if this practice during your period brings you benefits...


Peggy, thank you for helping us to understand the deeper mechanism of using Yoni eggs. If you have any questions on the subject, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be sure to answer them carefully. We wish you, therefore, a wonderful journey with the Yoni eggs, in the deep discovery of your feminine.


Peggy's book: https://www.oeufs-de-yoni.com/products/livre-les-oeufs-de-yoni-pour-reveler-son-potentiel-feminin-1

Peggy's website: https://www.oeufs-de-yoni.com

Vanessa Colant 13 November, 2018
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