The importance of reinforming and renewing the body's silica

Like everything else in the Universe, our cells vibrate and oscillate around the centriole, a very important cell organelle. It is thanks to the silica or silicon coupled to our DNA contained in the centriole that our cells vibrate.

Silica, like water, crystal or quartz, is a wonderful sensor or if you prefer a magnificent natural antenna, but silicon is above all an extremely powerful and sensitive resonator which amplifies the electromagnetic waves it captures. Everything that is alive exists thanks to the electromagnetic fields that surround it. Our body and our cells are no exception to this principle. It has been proven for a very long time that once the organism dies, the electromagnetic field disappears.

All these electromagnetic fields, whether beneficial or harmful, influence each other and interfere with each other, we can not change anything because it is our silicon that enters into resonance with them.remember that vibration is synonymous with energy and information since the energy "in"-forms and gives birth to forms.The physiological information of the body circulates at the speed of light and it is mainly water that plays the role of informational support to inform or repair our DNA, which like an antenna picks up this information conveyed by water.

It is therefore understood that silicon can capture and transport all types of information, both good and bad. As soon as it enters into resonance with erroneous information, it prevents the physiological information from circulating and fulfilling its role within the organism. Like the earth's crust, the surface of our pineal gland is lined with silicon, which makes it very sensitive to environmental and cosmic electromagnetic radiation. We know that this gland is responsible for the balance of the different biological clocks and rhythms that regulate our body, such as the circadian cycle. These physiological cycles and rhythms are essential for good health. If they are disrupted, functional problems will be felt more or less quickly. When the surrounding electromagnetic fields are disturbed, our pineal gland is affected, but so is the balance of our entire body.

Practically, the first vital measure to take is to protect oneself as much as possible from harmful information, harmful electromagnetic fields and to evolve as often as possible in positive vibratory environments. It is also essential to drink pure water which will facilitate the circulation of information. However, this is not always enough since silicon reserves decrease and are more difficult to renew with advancing age, so it is necessary to "replenish" the "stock" of well-informed silicon.

We understand here the importance of regularly providing the body with silicon in the form of a nutritional supplement. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure that the silicon that we absorb vibrates well, and that it is organic silicon, plant silicon being much less assimilable. Secondly, it is important to find out about the method of manufacturing the silicon, a method that must be patented. Another very important thing to check is that the silicon does not contain chemical preservatives, because in most cases the type of preservatives is not mentioned, sometimes it is not even mentioned any preservatives on the label while the product contains them anyway.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 19 February, 2014
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