The positive impact of olfactotherapy on memory

Olfacto-therapy is a technique, an art in its own right, which has an enormous impact on the natural well-being and the retrieval of deep memories. In fact, most of the smells we store throughout our lives are stored in our deepest memories and occasionally come back to the surface, recalling our memories. The brain plays a very important role because it is its role to associate a smell with a memory whether it is positive or negative
"A Proust's madeleine is an element of everyday life, an object or a gesture for example, which does not fail to bring back a memory to someone's memory, as a madeleine does to that of the narrator of "In search of lost time" in "From Swann's side", the first volume of Marcel Proust's novel. "Source: Wiki
Olfacto-therapy with essential oils is a method very often used to set up an emotional or physical well-being. It is a therapeutic method that works on neuro-olfactory receptors. It is therefore obvious that the implementation of this technique to promote or impact on our memory is totally beneficial and obviously positive.


What do you know about Rosemary essential oil?

Rosemary essential oil

Essential oil of Rosemary Cineole - Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineole - is part of the Lamiaceae, a family of plants in phytotherapy. And underneath its daily use in the kitchen, there are strange stories. Did you know that this essential oil is the first ingredient of "L'Eau de la Reine de Hongrie"? This water was in fact a perfume, a rosemary alcoholate - created in 1370 - which had many positive effects on Queen Elizabeth of Hungary. A septuagenarian who used it both internally and externally and retained its beauty and vitality for the rest of her life.
It was also called the Plant of Remembrance in Shakespeare's time and in ancient times, rosemary was attached to the buttonhole of mourners so that they would not forget the deceased. A reminder to remember. To date, many studies have proven its positive effects on memory. Indeed, the 1.6 cineole chemotype of which rosemary is composed is responsible, among other things, for cognitive abilities, memory and mood.
"There is rosemary, it's for the memories. " (Hamlet, iv. 5)
By simply applying a drop or two to your wrists, you allow the volatile particles to play positively on your memory. A remedy that could be considered for Alzheimer's patients.


Some essential oils that support your memory:

  • Vanilla oleoresin - Vanilla planifolia - which acts on the emotions and is very often used in maternity
  • The essential oil of peppermint - Mentha piperita - , rather for the concentration
  • The essences of bergamot, grapefruit, lemon and mandarin.
  • Coriander essential oil - Coriandrum sativum - stimulates memory.


Breathe in these oils directly from the bottle for an immediate effect. Doctor Baudoux, aromatologist pharmacist, advises us in his books the following formulation for the memory and the concentration.

  • Essential oil of Basil Exotic at a rate of 2 drops
  • Peppermint essential oil with 2 drops
  • Essential oil of Scots Pine at a rate of 1 drop
  • Black Pepper essential oil at a rate of 1 drop

2 drops of this mixture on a neutral tablet or a spoon of honey (organic) to be taken in the morning and at noon before meals.


Essential oils still prove to us that their use really does work miracles whether in the emotional or physiological sphere.

Vanessa Colant 13 June, 2016
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