Bach flowers for despair

Larch, Pine, Elm, Sweet Chesnet, Star of Bethlehem, Willow, Oak and Crab Apple are the 8 Bach flowers that accompany all those who suffer from discouragement or despair. Gently tame these different elixirs to correctly choose the one or ones that will soothe your emotions with subtlety. 


Larch, the Bach flower that stimulates self-confidence 

Larch is a tree that can reach 30 m in height and grows in the mountains and on the edge of the forest. 

This elixir has the number 19.

Larch is the flower of self-confidence. This flower of Bach works on all the people whose esteem and self-confidence is at the lowest. It accompanies all those which maintain in spite of them a feeling of inferiority. These last ones have thus evil to assume their zone of genius, to recognize their talent and show an exaggerated modesty. They are also locked into an expectation of failure: "I'll never make it anyway!"

The Larch elixir allows to open a new point of view and to explore and exploit the talents of the person. It is perfect within the framework of a work of personal development and psychotherapeutic to give again confidence in oneself, to transmute the complex of inferiority, to accept its strong points and to recognize its weaknesses without exaggeration. 

His mantra would be, "I want to, I can, I do. "


Pine, the elixir to forgive yourself

Pine is the Scots pine of our Landes forests growing in sandy soils. Its male and female flowers produce a yellow pollen. 

It has the number 24.

Pine is without question the flower of self-acceptance. It is the Bach flower that accompanies emotional states of guilt. Imbued with the archetype of original sin, Pine touches the depths of the human psyche.

Thus, by taking Pine from Bach Flowers, you allow yourself to be free of all unfounded guilt, discouragement and self-sabotage. With Pine, the question of merit no longer arises: to err is human, quite simply.

His mantra would be "sorry sorry thank you I love you" (ho'oponopono)


Elm, the flower of responsibility 

Elm is none other than the Country Elm found in forests.

It has the number 11.

Elm is the flower of responsibility. Elm people willingly identify with their job, with the labels that others have attached to them. However, caught up in their desire to meet the expectations of others, their sense of responsibility ends up harming them and leading them to burn-out. Thanks to this elixir, they subtly rediscover their responsibility in the sense that they are responsible for themselves and for the place they leave to others. 

His motto would be: "I do what I can within the limits of what is right for me and for the other".


Sweet chestnut, the Bach flower that calls the light at the end of the tunnel 

Sweet chestnut has catkins that appear between June and August. 

It has the number 30.

Sweet Chestnut is the flower that guides to the light. Sweet chestnut accompanies negative states of stagnation and total despair. It is the flower that shows the light at the end of the tunnel. It helps to cross the dark night of the soul by bringing a glimmer of hope. It helps to understand that a crisis is an opportunity for transformation.

His mantra would be: "I see the light every day more".


Star of Bethlehem, the essential floral elixir to relieve post-traumatic stress 

Star of Bethlehem or ornithogale in umbel in French. It is part of the garlic and onion family and can reach 30 cm. They grow in forests and fields. 

It has the number 29.

Star of Bethlehem is the flower of comfort. Its particular vibration helps to refocus after a state of shock. Faced with a psychological trauma, the person finds himself or herself completely off center, even stunned. Star of Bethlehem will allow him to reintegrate his body, to calm the emotions and to relieve the psychic pain. It is the Bach elixir for post-traumatic stress.

Her mantra would be, "I feel the breath of life running through my body. I am alive."


Willow elixir to take back your power

Willow is the white willow. It grows in wetlands.

It has the number 38.

Willow is the flower that reconnects you to your own power. Indeed, this Bach flower elixir accompanies people who tend to blame others and to disengage themselves from any responsibility for their fate. They are prone to fatalism, negativity, criticism, resentment, bitterness. The Willow person can be depicted as the eternal forgotten victim of the universe...

Thanks to this elixir, we accept the responsibility of our destiny, we take back our own power and we no longer project our own fears on others.

His mantra would be, "I am co-creator of my life. " 


Oak, the elixir for learning to rest

Oak is the sacred tree in many cultures. Synonymous with wisdom and strength, it blooms from April to early May. 

It has the number 22

Oak is the flower of endurance. This Bach Flower is especially for people who throw themselves body and soul into professional (or other) activities to the point of forgetting themselves. Total dedication characterizes them as well as the difficulty to ask for help. They are also known to be demanding, inflexible and need to perform at all costs.

With Oak's energy, yours flows more freely. You ground yourself, taking the time to draw your energy from the earth and distribute it evenly throughout your body. By moderating your efforts and doing what is right for you, you allow yourself to understand that rest is part of the process and not an inactivity in itself. 

His mantra would be, "There is a time for everything: for action and rest."


Crab apple for a body and mind cleansing

The wild apple tree or Crab apple grows in hedges and small groves. Its flowers bloom in spring. 

He wears the number 10.

Crab Apple is the flower of purification. All people who have a sense of rigor, order, cleanliness with a tendency to perfectionism or even mania have in them the negative state of Crab Apple. The inner and outer cleanliness, symbolic or real for them or for others only reflects the way they look at themselves.  

By taking the elixir of Bach Crab Apple, you become aware that the order is only a transitory state and that it is the reflection of what occurs inside you.

Her mantra would be, "I feel perfectly fine. "

Source : all this information was extracted from the book of Mechthild Scheffer " Complete manual of the floral quintessences of Doctor Bach " published by Le Courrier du livre

Alexia Bernard 31 August, 2020
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