The Root Chakra: the chakra that stabilizes you

Your chakras - a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" - are the energy centers of your body, often associated with energy hubs. You have a multitude of them in your body but the most known are the 7 main chakras, very common in traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda or in Chinese medicine.

The Root chakra: identity card.

  • Name : Muladhara
  • Polarity : Male
  • Color : Red
  • Number : 4 petals
  • Element: Earth
  • Meaning: Smell
  • Location: in the perineum, between the anus and the genitals
  • Mantra: I am, I exist in matter, I like being alive, I am safe, I listen to my physical body, I listen to my primary needs.

The Root chakra: what is it for?

The root chakra is the chakra that stabilizes you and keeps you grounded in the reality of things and in matter. If it is in full health (in energetic balance), it allows you to position yourself healthily in relation to others but also to move towards your ultimate goals as serenely as possible.

The root chakra is the base of your tree of life which nourishes you and animates all your other chakras. From then on, it is its opening and its proper functioning that contributes to the opening of the other chakras. So if the root chakra is not properly harmonized, the other chakras will not be able to function properly. Its balance is therefore essential.

In addition, the root chakra is the gateway tothe energy of the Kundalini, life energy and divine energy that comes to us from the earth. In your ordinary state, the Kundalini is asleep and only satisfies the vital needs (breathing, digesting, ...). It will only be activated when the person has succeeded in freeing himself from his ego and has then made room for the will of his inner being, his divine part.

The Root Chakra: key words.

  • Rooting
  • Incarnation
  • Acceptance
  • Survival
  • Intent
  • Security
  • Certainty
  • Physical form
  • Good health
  • Self-control
  • Sense of reality
  • The baptism
  • Welcome

Root Chakra: emotional worries

When the root chakra is in energetic imbalance, certain emotional issues can arise. For example:

  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Panic fears
  • Difficulty in overcoming everyday challenges
  • Unhappiness
  • Anxiety
  • Insecurity
  • Frustrations
  • Pride
  • Self-judgment
  • Perfectionism
  • Greed
  • Lack of open-mindedness
  • Jealousy
  • Anger
  • Aggressiveness
  • The grudge
  • The leak
  • Fear of change
  • Abusive collections and storage of material goods

An excess of energy can also be noticed in the root chakra

This can then lead to behavioral problems, such as:

  • Brutality
  • Exaggerated materialism
  • Egocentrism
  • Aggression
  • Fanaticism
  • Obsessions
  • Dependencies
  • Complicated relationship with food: eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
  • Excess in the pleasures of life (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, ...)
  • Complicated relationship with her body: non-acceptance of her shapes, her curves or on the contrary of her thinness.
Root Chakra

Root Chakra: methods of attunement.

There are many methods of harmonizing the chakras. Depending on your affinities but also on your needs, you will be more easily directed towards the lithotherapy, aromatherapy, energy healing, magnetism, etc. However, by working on your personal development, it is also possible to harmonize and balance your energy wheels. Obviously, this requires a daily investment of self.

  • By adopting the letting go
  • Learning self-confidence
  • By adopting a team spirit attitude: through a sport or a job that directs you towards this way of life
  • By integrating unconditional love, gentleness and humility into your daily life
  • By being flexible in the face of life's situations
  • Staying true to yourself
  • By learning to manage stress
  • By doing everything possible to avoid being manipulated by others.

When the root chakra is in energy balance, you can benefit from emotional soothing but also anchoring, which is essential for stability. In addition, it brings you energy to live and take action, a certain psychological coherence, a sense of well-being, integrity and above all a very important feeling of agreement with yourself.

# Mood
Vanessa Colant 6 February, 2019
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