Geobiology, the missing link in health

As early as 430 B.C., the great Hippocrates emphasized the importance of salubrious places for health in his work translated into Latin under
the title "De aeribus, aquis et locis". Just as the Chinese recommended against sleeping on the "dragon's veins,"
Hippocrates warned those who exposed their health by sleeping over underground water currents.

After having quietly gone through five centuries of inquisition, geobiology is coming back in force on the paramedical scene.
Geobiology has for object the study of the impact of the Earth on life in all its forms, whether vegetal, animal or human.
It is a transverse scientific discipline which is located at the meeting of geology, biology and physics.

The impact of electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation

The geobiologist detects and measures -for the most part- magnetic fields, electric fields and ionizing radiation. These fields and radiations can be of natural origin -such as those coming from the subsoil- or artificial, coming from high voltage lines, radars, telephone relay antennas... Beyond a certain intensity, they can have consequences on the cellular integrity, the endocrine system and the immune system.

Natural disturbances are predominantly of three types:

  • Magnetic. In particular, the so-called "Curry" field is spotted. The friction of the earth's liquid outer core on its solid inner core causes the earth's electric field, which in turn - by "dynamo effect" - generates the earth's magnetic field. The latter is known to everyone, as everyone has had the opportunity to hold a compass in their hands.
  • Electrical, with the so-called "Hartmann" network, which is a component of the earth's electric field. It is interesting to note that this can be affected by the alternating electric current, but also by the compression of the rocks (piezoelectric effect). Thus the thickness of the partitions in this Hartmann network can quadruple before earthquakes. The animals know how to perceive the changes, 24 hours in advance.
  • Radioactive. There is gamma radiation that its high frequencies make it ionizing. They emanate from the Earth's "mantle" made up of molten rock, located between the outer core and the Earth's crust on which we live. They express themselves through cracks in the subsoil and "faults", and pull electrons out of the cells. In the path of these faults, trees, for example, dry out very quickly. In the same way, an individual sleeping vertically sees a part of his cells losing electrons and thus being transformed into free radicals. The rapid proliferation of these free radicals can overwhelm the body's ability to eliminate them, causing the most severe ailments.

As for the water circulating in the basement, it rubs against the walls, thus creating an electric current. Due to the vertical stacking of the friction points, an electrical potential difference is measured vertically along the edges. These voltages are very low, but they are of the same order as those that drive the cells. However, there are small power plants in our cells, the mitochondria, whose production can be thwarted by these weak natural currents, or by other, artificial ones, coming for example froma radio alarm clock near the bed, a poorly insulated bedside lamp or a deficient ground socket. The hormonal production of the endoctrine glands of someone who sleeps over a stream is significantly altered. Two glands are particularly affected by stress: the thyroid and the adrenal glands. Conversely, the thymus works in slow motion. Since this gland is actively involved in the development of T4 lymphocytes, the immune system can suffer.
The impact of streams is usually compounded by the fact that they flow through underground fissures. In addition to the electrical potential variations, there is the ionizing effect of the gamma rays which are emitted vertically.

What do these fields look like, and how are they detected?

The natural fields coming from the subsoil criss-cross the whole of the emerged territories and constitute networks similar to fisherman's nets whose meshes would be very thick, from which rise more or less vertical walls. We detect them and locate them with the utmost precision so that they can be avoided, especially with our primary tool, the Lecher antenna. Their global resultant can also be measured with geomagnetometers. But these measurements can be affected by simple objects, such as a metal bed frame.

These different networks are known by people other than geobiologists

They are calibrated and identified as to their frequency. However, science is only able to highlight them with extremely expensive and non-transportable tools. The Lecher antenna, our portable tool, allows to locate them easily in a principle which could be similar to the radio, since one picks up emissions coming from the basement by adjusting this receiver on different wavelengths.
It is however preferable to have a natural sensitivity to be receptive to them but, overall, their detection requires more know-how than real personal capacities.

As for the environmental electromagnetic disturbances caused by our modern civilization, many scientific detection and measurement devices are widely used by professional geobiologists: sonometers (noise intensity), shielded multimeters (electric and magnetic fields due to H.T. lines and domestic appliances), ohm-meter (grounding resistance), microwave analyzers (cell phone relay antennas and radars), Geiger counters (radioactivity), etc.

The sensitivity to these electromagnetic phenomena varies from one individual to another

I have met some geobiologists who are much more sensitive than me. They are able to tell immediately whether a location is healthy or not, just by holding out their hand. For my part, I am less sensitive than they are, but thanks to the Lecher antenna and a rigorous, precise and well-tried methodology, I detect these same currents and make them visible to all, by tracing them to scale on a map.

However, a distinction must be made between sensitivity and vulnerability. Some individuals seem to be unaffected by these aggressions, whose intensity is very low, it must be admitted; but they do not miss the disorders that they cause. Apparently robust and valiant people can be suddenly plagued by illness, while others, eternally whiny and disturbed, will not... Generally speaking, an aggression is the product of an intensity by a duration. There are short but intense assaults, like blows with a sledgehammer. In the case of geobiology, the intensity is very weak but the duration, being very long and always hitting the same place, can cause disorders. One could compare its action to the Chinese ordeal of the drop of water arriving on a shaved head. At first it tickles, in the long run it pierces and kills.

The fields of application of geobiology

There are three of them:

  • The first, most obvious one is health. For my part, I have chosen to work in partnership with the medical profession, particularly with homeopaths who are generally more receptive to the energetic aspects. Spending a third of one's life in a bed, it is clear that if that bed is located vertically to a disturbance, the sleeper's health will suffer. The strategy to adopt is then that of avoidance.
    Contrary to a widespread idea, the orientation of the bed is not decisive. Many people have made themselves ill by putting their heads to the north, placing themselves in the process on a fault they have not identified, while others sleep with their heads to the south, but in the neutral zone, The disturbances caused by positioning the bed on a disturbed area can range from nervousness or insomnia and depression, to joint and back problems, changes in heart rhythm and the most serious illnesses.
  • The second field of action is related to health, but takes shape in real estate. You can actually have a land survey done before building and drawing the plans for the home or, more frequently, intervene at the time of renovation in order to best allocate the different spaces.
  • The third field is that of knowledge, which is akin to a spiritual path.There are no boundaries between physics and metaphysics... As soon as we touch the invisible, we are inescapably led to a reflection on the afterlife, our origins, the meaning of evolution, the relationship between energy and matter, consciousness and spirituality. The most recent advances in quantum physics support the geobiological approach.

There are many solutions to protect your health from geopathic aggressions

Geopathogenic aggressions are those that undermine the health of the occupants of a place day after day, over the months.
A good geobiological expertise is precisely made to avoid the move. Experience shows that a solution can always be found, at worst by swapping parts, by reallocating space. In the case of a renovation, partitions can be repositioned. But in twenty years, I have only advised six times to change my living space. The so-called "cancer" houses are rare. On the other hand, there are cancer zones in many homes. They are simply areas of natural radiation. They cross the floors of the buildings with ease. As for the waves of artificial origin, certain technical devices make it possible to objectively lower the intensity of the pollutions below the thresholds of danger. I am referring to protection systems that are measurably effective and not to more or less decorative and expensive objects that usually only relieve the wallet.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 22 January, 2014
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