The key to health: glutathione

In order to lead a healthy life and maintain optimal functions, certain elements are nevertheless essential. These elements include water, oxygen and quality food. However, with the stressful lives we lead today and surrounded by more and more pollution, it seems that this is not enough to keep us healthy.

It was Dr. Harman who first put forward the theory of oxidative stress and free radicals related to aging in 1956. He claimed that age and loss of physiological function were due to the progressive accumulation of oxidative damage. Apart from the free radical theory, another theory is attracting particular attention at the moment. This is the one based on the shortening of telomeres. Telomeres are located at the ends of human chromosomes in our DNA. Their shortening has a major impact on certain diseases, such as cancer, and on aging. In the eyes of scientists, this progressive shortening constitutes a kind of molecular clock that would regulate the aging of living organisms.

Serious studies currently agree on the importance of another key element that would protect our telomeres, glutathione

An amazing compound that the body produces naturally. It is the most powerful antioxidant in our body. It is also its main detoxifier which helps maintain our main functions and notably the integrity and efficiency of our immune system. Although we are all born with an optimal amount of glutathione, like most body substances, there is a decrease in body glutathione as we age. Organic aging, which begins at age 25, is accompanied by an accumulation of toxins and an increase in free radicals.

This is where the antioxidants come in, neutralizing these free radicals. Unfortunately, most of them only attack a part of these toxic molecules and then become small free radicals themselves. On the other hand, glutathione, in addition to being very versatile and therefore very efficient, is one of the only antioxidants capable of recycling itself. Thus it is the cell protector par excellence, while it neutralizes free radicals, decreases inflammation and prevents telomeres from shortening.

The inflammatory process consists of multiple small foci that glutathione extinguishes

This allows the cells to regain their full natural capacity. The cells can thus restore and regenerate themselves in a spontaneous and natural way. If you want to benefit from an external supply of glutathione, you must ensure that you take in glutathione that will not be destroyed by the stomach acids. For it to enter the intracellular environment and be effective, it must remain intact until it reaches the intestine. Maintaining a constant level of glutathione gives the body the ability to fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.

The stress, the lack of sleep, the denatured food and the various pollutions permanently attack and intoxicate our body

The 3 essential nouns to escape from pathological processes and to age in good health are: antioxidants (allow to protect oneself from different oxidative stresses) - immunity (allows to fight against external aggressions) - detoxification (neutralize and eliminate toxics). By absorbing natural antioxidant molecules, protecting your immune system and detoxifying your body regularly, you will be able to maintain or regain energy, agility, stamina and general well-being.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 4 March, 2014
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