Figs and health

Like many other fruits, the fig has many virtues in the field of health. Improve the constipationreduce the cholesterolto reduce blood pressure, lose weightThe properties of this characteristic small-berry fruit include, but are not limited to, preventing osteoporosis and the risk of heart disease, promoting tanning, and providing prebiotics. They are also rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Its laxative effect is undoubtedly linked to both its richness in fiber and its contribution of prebiotics that support and rebuild the intestinal flora.

The figue and its juice are highly alkaline. They are therefore very useful to balance the tissue pH. Nowadays, acidosis is more and more frequent and it is the source of many discomforts or even diseases.

Its dark red color reveals that it contains a lot of antioxidants which as we know help to prevent damage caused by free radicals.

Do you know about psoralens, a particularly interesting compound, of which figs are an important source?

This natural molecule improves skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo.

Their high concentration in potassium makes them useful in the prevention of arterial hypertension, in cardiac and nervous problems. And the combination of potassium and calcium they contain has a preventive effect on osteoporosis.

The sap of the fig tree is used for certain skin conditions such as ringworm, warts, insect bites and irritations.


As for the glycerine macerate (bud extract) of this tree, it promotes sleep and dream function.

There are many varieties of figs that are picked when ripe and can be dried to be available year-round. Fresh figs with a delicious taste and a very particular texture are rarer. Nowadays, we find more and more organic products, but the majority of them still come from traditional agriculture. The fig is one of the oldest known fruits.

There are many preparations that incorporate the fig fresh or dried. They will sometimes be cooked. It is found in the form of puree, jam or in some pastries or breads.

The United States is the 3rdranking producer of dried figs in the world. It is California that grows 98% of the 11,000 tons of the fresh figs produced annually in the United States.

You probably don't know the little peculiarity of this fruit that is not really a fruit, as tomatoes are not vegetables. The fig is therefore neither really a fruit, nor really a vegetable. They are in fact the flower of the plant, while their seeds are the fruit.

How to preserve these fresh figs picked at maturity which are very fragile and have a very short life span?

If you are careful and place them gently in a paper bag in a cool place or in the refrigerator without washing them, you can keep them for five to seven days. If the fruit is already a bit damaged and very ripe, it will only keep for two or three days. The figures can also be frozen, allowing them to be stored for up to 6 months.

As for the choice of the fruit, it should be clean, fragrant and a little firm. Avoid buying softened, oozing or cracked fruit. As for the "scars" on the skin, they are the result of the cuts in the leaves that grazed the skin of the figs, but they do not alter its nutritional quality at all.

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HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 17 September, 2014
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