Clinical trials for mumps vaccine fabricated by Merck

The media and the powers that be agree to pillory those who dare to criticize and question the safety or efficacy of vaccines, and especially those who choose not to vaccinate their children. The pressure is induced by fear, among other things by the broadcasting of reports showing the imprisonment of some parents who refused to have their children vaccinated.

Yet the current climate is one of fear and the public trend is increasingly toward doubt, as several serious studies have established the significant link between vaccine mercury and autism outcomes.

No, not all anti-vaccine people are conspiracy theorists, paranoids, or hat-working cranks.

"Safe and effective vaccines" is a statement that is indeed completely false. This is demonstrated by the accumulating evidence of a multitude of studies.

A blatant example that constitutes irrefutable proof is that of Merck & Co, one of the world's largest vaccine manufacturers.

Their claims about the efficacy and safety of their mumps vaccine are based solely on false claims and truncated, rigged clinical tests.

Already accused of fraud and deceit in the first decade of this century, Merck has repeated his misdeeds. There is currently a lawsuit filed against them in 2012, which despite Merck's efforts to hush it up has recently been taken all the way to the U.S. federal court system against Merck & Co.

The plaintiffs' court documents state that because its mumps vaccine was not as effective as Merck wanted, the methodology of the clinical trials was manipulated, adverse outcomes were obscured, and studies were falsified in order to demonstrate the required efficacy of the vaccine. Merck is also accused of using misleading labeling as to results to lure the U.S. government into buying and releasing the vaccine.

Despite having hundreds of millions of dollars to hire a competent legal team, the laboratory has not been able to escape the trial.

The court upheld the truthfulness of the whistleblowers' claims and the use of false statements, which could cost the company hundreds of millions (if not billions) of dollars in damages.

For more than 30 years, Merck has been licensed by the FDA to manufacture and sell its measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. To maintain this right, Merck was required to show its updated vaccine formula and demonstrate a 95% efficacy rate.

One would have expected that this would be the subject of outrageous broadcasting and denunciation rather than a minority of parents who refuse vaccines for the sake of their children. But this still pending trial was only vaguely whispered about in the press.

Those who question the safety and efficacy of vaccines could also have been acquitted since they seemed to be right, but they were not. On the contrary, they are accused of defaming the multinational.

You may be wondering how this is possible. The answer is simple (and usual), it is the money that commands and not the health of our fellow citizens!

The media and advertisers in the hands of the main shareholders of these large multinationals and lobbyists do not dare to denounce the real scandal for fear of being cut off.

Yes, Big Pharma is and remains one of the largest and most powerful lobbies that control information, justice and public health policy.

Sources for this article:[PDF][PDF]

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 15 April, 2015
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