How to regulate male hormones naturally

Nowadays, around the age of 40, many men show signs of exhaustion or low energy and sometimes low morale. Scientific studies show a decrease in the blood level of testosterone. The repercussions are diverse: low morale, fatigue, lack of tone, weakness or slight muscle wasting, impotence, loss or decrease of libido, decrease in hair density or bone mass, etc.

Various scientific studies have established a strong correlation between low testosterone levels and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. It can be concluded that maintaining "normal" hormone levels is protective and preventive in this area.

It is for these multiple reasons that conventional medicine sometimes proposes synthetic or substitute hormone supplements to make up for the existing deficit.

Unfortunately, this solution is often accompanied by significant side effects that appear especially in the long term, especially since the ideal doses of this type of product are quite difficult to establish. Even though there is no reliable method to define precisely what are the ideal and adequate blood levels of testosterone according to the physiological needs of the body. In any case, it seems that the normal capacity of testosterone secretion decreases by 1.2% per year from the age of 40. One thing is certain, hormonal needs and secretions change depending on the time of day, the amount of sports activity, diet, stress, etc.

Food supplements such as T-STOPLEX for example, can really help men who feel this decrease in their abilities. It is an all-natural product with no side effects. T-STOPLEX is simply made from shellfish and seaweed extracts. Developed by hydrolysis of polysaccharides, it is then coupled with minerals, vitamins and micronutrients.

This contribution appears as a stimulant and a natural hormonal regulator that acts as a hormone, i.e. as a biological signal that stimulates the synthesis of deficient male hormones. These natural stimulants will never cause hormonal overdose, as the body will only use the amount of active ingredients necessary to fill the gaps it is experiencing. Unlike hormone substitutes and chemically synthesized substances, this natural supplement does not cause organic overload or dependency. According to some data, taking this product for a month would increase the blood concentration of testosterone by 20 to 50% depending on the individual.

Various tests and studies have shown that the consumption of 4 ml of T-STOPLEX (morning and evening) was sufficient to get rid of or alleviate the various problems that affect many men as they approach 50.

This product is safe and can also be used as a preventive measure when entering quarantine.


HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 27 October, 2016
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