These green leaves that improve our lives

One of the most invigorating substances on the planet is undoubtedly chlorophyll. This pigment which gives plants their green color is the main actor of the photosynthesis process. It is photosynthesis that allows plants to capture light and cosmic energy. Plants have the power to transform the sun's rays into chemical energy, mainly through chlorophyll.

The chlorophyll content of a plant is the main indicator of its health potential. We know that green is the complementary color of red. Thus, we can consider that chlorophyll is the counterpart of our hemoglobin and that it is probably for this reason that it is extraordinarily useful for the red blood cells, for the oxygenation of the tissues, for the purification of the organism and for the protection against harmful radiations. Its role is not limited to that since it improves the healing and the intestinal transit.

Vegetables with dark green leaves are rich in chlorophyll. By using them regularly for your meals or to make fresh juices you give your body a real health boost. All are useful, from spinach to chard to cabbage and including small leafy greens such as arugula, watercress and watermelon.

Spinach, in addition to containing chlorophyll, contains glycoglycerol lipids that protect the digestive tract from inflammatory damage. These fatty acids are the main components of cell membranes. They promote immune reactions and have an anti-cancer effect. Spinach also provides copper, zinc and selenium which are very useful for immunity.

The cabbage family, including common cabbage and kale, are the superstar nutrient suppliers. Their level of magnesium and vitamins K, A and C are exceptional. They also contain folates (B9), as well as vitamin B2 and B6 plus isothiocyanates, sulfur antioxidants that protect the P53 gene. This gene is considered the gatekeeper of the genome and cellular reproduction. When this gene mutates, the cell reproduction cycle is disrupted and abnormal cells may develop, some of which may be cancerous.

Glucosinolates and cysteine methyl sulfoxides are particularly present in kale. These active nutrients stimulate the liver's detoxification enzymes. They therefore have a neutralizing role towards carcinogenic substances. Glucosinolate and sulforaphane are particularly released when kale is cut or chewed.

If you choose to use cabbage-based juices, you should be careful, as their taste is particularly strong. It is better to use very little, at least at the beginning. Watercress is very fast growing and its slightly spicy taste is often appreciated. It contains a large amount of vitamin B6, magnesium and assimilable folic acid. Very digestible, it is a source of antioxidants, chlorophyll and carotenoids.

Wheatgrass, barley, oat and rye juices can also be included. Since it is the aerial parts of the plants that are used and not the seeds, they do not contain gluten and can therefore be consumed by everyone. They can be added to other juices to benefit from their detoxifying and antioxidant properties. If you have digestive or intestinal problems, the best thing to do is to consume juices or smoothies, because the fibers of the plants are inassimilable by our digestive system, unlike that of cows. Herbal juices extremely rich in chlorophyll are really very effective for the cleaning of the blood in addition to their contributions in magnesium, B2, B6 and folates.

Source for this article: [PDF]

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 10 November, 2017
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