Consider an emunctorial cleanse to get rid of your toxins!

Being healthy? Who can say they feel 100% good every day? Today, the state of good health is becoming increasingly rare and many people struggle with health disorders on a daily basis.

Indeed, chronic diseases are becoming more and more important in our health environment. This obviously proves that there is a general concern in the field of physical, emotional and energetic well-being of the European population but also worldwide. The world is becoming more and more sick and unsuitable for this ever-changing and evolving society.

It is a fact that patients suffering from acute illnesses no longer have sufficient vitality to fight and combat the smallest microbe or virus they encounter. Therefore, this lack of energy and vital force inevitably leads the population to heavier pathologies and obviously to chronic and lesional ones. There is a lot of natural health advice on the internet and in paramedical literature, and they all generally point in the same direction: You have to feed your body with good things through a healthy and varied diet, by taking food supplements or superfoods such as spirulina, goji or acai berries, pollen, algae, sprouted seeds, etc. ....

Nevertheless, before giving the body these good things and remineralizing it properly, it will be important to detoxify it. In fact, there are many more toxins than we think, namely:

  • An increasingly processed and unnatural diet
  • An environment polluted by electromagnetic waves too present. Today, who doesn't have a smartphone with wifi or simply 4G? These waves disturb our organism and bring it toxic substances that it must evacuate.
  • Air polluted by air pollution. The air we breathe is not healthy or pure.
  • The cosmetic or cleaning products we use every day are also increasingly harmful and toxic for our bodies. As we know, chemistry has replaced the natural and therefore, endocrine disruptors are invading us more and more destroying our natural life cycle. It is not surprising to meet new artisans in natural cosmetics for example. A part of the population has become aware that something has to change in this world.
  • Etc...

The list is much longer but let's focus on the main one. What to do then?

A healthy body requires a superior and optimal vital state. To do this, our eliminatory organs, namely our emunctories, must not be overloaded or overflowing with toxins. Indeed, an emunctory in suffering will become unable to fulfill its function and will then cause a dysfunction of the body.

What are the eliminating organs?

  • The digestive block, i.e. the liver, the gall bladder and the intestines
  • The kidneys
  • The lungs
  • The skin
  • The vaginafor women

These organs are very important in our evolution towards well-being. This is why, at different times of the year, it is interesting to practice drainages to allow these organs to function properly over the long term. Spring and autumn are obviously ideal times to drain and purify our various emunctories with adapted plants, namely digestive, sudorific, expectorant, laxative and diuretic plants, but also by manual draining. Massages, scrubs and dry brushing are simple and easy to implement.

Here is a non-exhaustive list that could follow you for your emunctorial purification and cleaning

  • Friends of the liver: Milk thistle, desmodium, boldo, artichoke, black radish, dandelion, etc.
  • Friends of the intestines: psyllium, lemon balm, fennel, prunes, figs, mallow flower, etc.
  • Friends of the kidneys: cherry stems, red vine, meadowsweet, birch, juniper, etc.
  • The friends of the skin: The charm, the burdock, the wild pansy, the borage, etc...
  • Friends of the Lungs: Thyme, eucalyptus, myrtle, viburnum, etc...

Emonitorial health is the priority in the fight for good health. Think of yourself and don't let the disease surprise you.

Vanessa Colant 9 November, 2017
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