Lithotherapy: moonstone

Moonstone can be considered the stone of the feminine. It is related to the moon and its cyclical nature. The moon symbolizes the feminine, intuition and the emotional world, and brings with it change and renewal. The moonstone carries an energy that encourages meditation, receptivity and connects you to your inner cycles. It has a rather feminine energy. Discover in detail the uses of the moonstone in lithotherapy.

La pierre de Lune pour qui ?

  1. The Moonstone can be given to young girls experiencing their 1st menstruation. Menstruation is also called "Moons" evoking this cyclical aspect during 28 days (approximately). The Moonstone will thus be a gift coming to support the teenager in this passage. 

  2. Moonstone can accompany women wishing to become pregnant. The full moon is reminiscent of the round belly of motherhood. In many cultures, the moon follows pregnant women. Who hasn't heard that full moon periods coincide with childbirth?

  3. Moonstone also supports women who wish to reconnect to their feminine. Often, after a physical trauma (rape, assault, abuse, gynecological violence) or transgenerational trauma, the woman voluntarily or involuntarily cuts herself off from her feminine power. Moonstone acts gently in this reconnection to this deep essence. 

  4. Moonstone to develop your intuition.The moon does not emit light, it reflects that of the sun. It thus evokes the whole underground and hidden world of our abysmal depths which, when uncovered, can reveal as many nuggets as naughty rocks. Thus, the moonstone gives access to what is hidden, beautiful or ugly, it makes no difference. 

  5. Moon stone to connect to the Mother archetype. The Moon is a symbol of the Mother, the one who gives birth, but also the one who nurtures and educates. The Moonstone allows for the birthing of oneself while providing a secure framework. Wearing a moonstone is like being a baby cuddled in your mother's arms. This stone invites you to ask yourself the question, "what mother am I to myself? "

  6. Moonstone to develop one's feminine energy. According to Taoist principles, we carry both masculine and feminine energies within each of us. Each of these two energies bring their own uniqueness. The ideal is to juggle both in a constant search for balance. However, our society pushes us to always value the masculine energy which is the energy of action and performance to the detriment of the feminine energy which is that of listening, slowness and introspection. If you feel that you are a person who tends to always be in the "doing", to chain actions, to run around, to think strategy, etc., perhaps your masculine energy is too present? In this case, the moonstone will compensate for the masculine energy by inviting you to reconnect, awaken and develop your yin. 

Travailler avec la pierre de Lune

  • To take advantage of the "powers" of the moonstone, you can get a raw, polished or jewel-set stone. 

  • Placed under your pillow, it will accompany you in your dreams. 

  • Worn on you, as a necklace, a ring, an earring, a bracelet, the moonstone will reconnect you to the feminine part, your yin, of your being.

  • Near you in meditation, according to your intentions of the moment, for example, to increase your ability to listen to your intuition, your desire to slow down your pace, to release transgenerational memories present in your womb, in a desire for pregnancy, etc.

Nettoyage et purification de la pierre de Lune

It is customary to clean one's stones and purify them regularly. Some authors advise doing this to them before/after each use, others to do it by feel and still others that it is useless, because by nature, the stone emits its vibration already in the earth without "permission"

If the heart asks you to clean your moonstone, it is customary to pass it under clear water, the water of a brook (not polluted) is the ideal or to bury it in the ground some time. To recharge it, it would be enough to expose it to the rays of the full moon. 

Pour conclure, le pouvoir des pierres : réalité ou charlatanisme

Many doubt the effectiveness of stones, which is normal when one does not know the principle of vibrational frequency. 

"The therapeutic effect of a stone becomes easy to understand if we stop thinking that our limitations are those of our physical body. In physics, it has already been known for more than a century that every body, every organism, every "material object", whether it is a stone, a plant or a plastic bucket, has a certain radiation. [...] Thus, we ourselves and everything around us are always surrounded by an energy field. " 

Michael Gienger in Manuel de lithothérapie ou l'art de soigner avec les pierres, published by Vega.

Stones, as a result, emit an invisible radiation that is itself a carrier of information just as can be the rays emitted by a television, a cell phone, a radio or a microwave... The difference is that, thanks to the stability of the molecular structure of the mineral, the radiation emitted always carries the same information. Therefore, each stone carries a message of its own and resonates with your energetic and therefore vibratory structure. Lithotherapy is an information therapy like Bach flowers or homeopathy. Michael Gienger emphasizes the fact that "it is not the chemical substance that acts, but the information it transmits".

Alexia Bernard 3 May, 2021
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