The secrets of Ravintsara

When we think of the body's natural defenses, we are conditioned to think of winter, the flu and the various ailments that these cold, wet months bring. The body is constantly defending itself against external invasions, microbes, viruses, pollution, bacteria and so on. We don't always notice this inner struggle that goes on inside us, this eternal assault that our body undergoes while we simply go about our daily lives.

The result? If our body is weakened, if our vitality is not optimal, we fall into an unexplained fatigue, a feeling of vulnerability and a signal from the body asking us to settle down, calm down and take care of ourselves.
Fortunately, nature has put in place the right elements so that we can take care of ourselves as naturally as possible while avoiding falling into this deep fatigue that sets off our natural defenses.

Let's turn today to aromatherapy and more precisely to an oil totally adapted in these situations: Ravintsara.

Cinnamomum Camphora
Cinnamomum Camphora

A little chemistry

The essential oil of Ravintsara is part of the camphor family and can be easily noticed simply by its botanical name: Cinnamomum camphora CT cineole. From the great botanical lineage of lauraceae, it originates from Madagascar where its very fragrant leaves are extracted to obtain an interesting oil for the whole health sphere of the human being.

Biochemical composition: 1.8 cineole, mono-terpenes, esters and sesquiterpenes. This composition allows this plant and thus this essential oil to bring us reliable therapeutic properties. Indeed, essential oils are not magic vials, there is behind them, a whole complicated biochemistry that allows a real medical and scientific relationship.


What are the real benefits of this essential oil?

essential oil

Firstly, it is totally suitable as an antiviral because it is a powerful oil to fight against weak immunities: fatigue, diseases such as flu, ENT infections, bronchitis, etc. It will thus accompany us all winter or any other season which will require an antibacterial or immune stimulating action.
When a tiredness persists, that you wish to recover from a series of exhausting days, from an exhausting week, that your vital energy is at half-mast, the essential oil of Ravintsara is also completely adapted. The most adequate method then is to mix it in a neutral vegetable oil and to massage (or to be massaged) the back and more precisely along the spinal column.
If on the other hand you want to alleviate a nervous tiredness, anxieties, nonrepairing sleep or even insomnia, the solar plexus will be then put forward to restore the situation gently A few drops of the essential oil on the mentioned area will be used in direct massage to balance the emotional state that puts our natural defenses at half-mast.

In a more vibrant and psycho-emotional sphere, Ravintsara essential oil is suitable for the following situations:

  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Lack of positivism in life
  • Depression
  • Lack of energy and drive
  • Anxiety

As with all essential oils, there are precautions to be aware of. As for Ravintsara, it is not recommended during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, for young children, for nursing mothers and for people with asthma. A small note to remember: Do not confuse with Ravensare essential oil - Ravensara Aromatica - whose biochemical composition and therefore therapeutic properties are different.

Vanessa Colant 15 July, 2016
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The products of the hive to support the natural defenses