Heavy metals are responsible for many diseases ...

by Dr. Thierry Schmitz

Many physical and mental conditions are caused by chronic heavy metal poisoning. They intoxicate our cells and take the place of trace elements which are catalysts of enzymatic activities. This substitution has the effect of inhibiting many vital functions at the cellular level. In addition, they disrupt the functioning of the immune system and are responsible for autoimmune diseases, the frequency of which continues to increase.


The Mercury

The sources of mercury pollution are diverse, but by far the most significant pollution comes from dental amalgams. A person with 8 metal amalgams in his mouth (which represents the average of the French population) is intoxicated with mercury at a rate of 15 µg per day. In comparison, environmental pollution from polluted air (factories) and consumption of mercury-contaminated fish is only 2 µg per day.

Mercury is used as a preservative in vaccines. Thiomersal is a mercury salt that acts as an anti-infective and preservative.

Other sources of mercury contamination: fish and shellfish, plastics, printing ink, some paints, organo-mercurial pesticides, neon lights, energy saving light bulbs

Signs of excess mercury:

  • Muscle tremors, paralysis, convulsions,
  • Hypersalivation, stomatitis, periodontitis,
  • Hyperactivity and attention disorders in children,
  • Autism,
  • Action disruptive on the immune system: primary cause of autoimmune diseases



There are many sources of aluminum pollution:

  1. Tap water because the treatment plants that produce drinking water use aluminum sulfate to remove microorganisms and organic matter from the water.
  2. Cooking utensils such as some pans or packaging (aluminum foil rolls or aluminum trays) release aluminum into food (e.g., 100 grams of tomatoes stored in aluminum foil overnight can contain up to 6.5 mg of aluminum). Other examples include cans and beverages in can form.
  3. Food additivesin the form of colorants (E173), anticoagulants (E520 - E521-E522-E523) used in egg white foods.

The E541 in genoeseeds and E554-E555-E556-E559 in dried foods in powdered form (milks, coffees, and soup powders as well as refined salt and industrial cheeses.

  1. Cosmeticssuch as some toothpastes and deodorants contain chloride

of aluminum.

  1. Most vaccines contain aluminum doses 50 to 80 times higher

to European standards (15 microg/l).

  1. Some medications including many antacids contain hydroxide

aluminum sometimes in high doses like Maalox® (200 mg).

The health effects of aluminum.

  • Aluminum is toxic to the brain and can cause memory loss as well as Alzheimer's disease. Several studies show that the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is 8 times higher in people who take in abnormally high amounts of aluminum
  • It can interfere with the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus. This prevents bone growth (rachitis) and reduces bone density (osteoporosis).
  • Toxicity may also result in muscular pain, anemia, digestive upset, perturbation of liver function, colics, and renal failure.
  • Inflammatory muscle disease (macrophage myofasciitis) with symptoms of muscle pain and fatigue with some fever. Muscle biopsies (cell samples) taken from these patients then reveal the presence of an abnormal concentration of aluminum in the muscle where an aluminum-containing vaccine was administered.
  • Action disruptive on the immune system: primary cause of autoimmune diseases.



Arsenic is a trace element widely distributed in the biosphere. In some areas, arsenic concentrations in soil and water are very high, either naturally or as a result of human activities. Indeed, arsenic is used as an insecticide in agriculture. It is found mainly in cereals (rice or wheat), vegetables and seafood.

On a smaller scale, arsenic is used for example in the glass and pigment industries, in electronic devices and in alloys.

Signs of arsenic excess:

  • Weakness, drowsiness,
  • Headaches, convulsions,
  • Muscle pain,
  • Peripheral neuropathy


Lead is a widely used metal: in lead-acid car batteries, in leaded sheet metal in the construction industry, in PVC plastic, in crystal and ceramics, as a radiation shield, in some hair dyes.

Nervous system effects:

- behavioral problems: hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder

- intellectual weakness.

Effects on bone marrow and blood: Lead blocks several enzymes necessary for hemoglobin synthesis. These blood effects result in a decrease in the number of red blood cells and anemia.

Gastrointestinal effects: constipation or diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal pain or cramps.


For smokers, the major source of cadmium exposure is cigarette smoke.

For non-smokers, the main route of cadmium intake is through food. This is due to the fact that cadmium is present in trace amounts in food products: cadmium that is present in the soil is easily absorbed by vegetables. It is also found in automobile exhaust.

Signs of Cadmium excess:

Chronic cadmium poisoning is characterized by:

  • pulmonary emphysema without a history of chronic bronchitis.
  • renal insufficiency
  • an increased risk of bone fractures.


The main route of contamination is the presence of antimony in mineral waters bottled and stored in plastic containers of the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) type because antimony is used as a catalyst for the polymerization of PET. The antimony concentrates in proportion to the residence time of the water in the plastic container.

Antimony is used in the composition of many alloys, to which it gives more hardness and corrosion resistance.

It is also used in textiles as a flame retardant.

Signs of excess antimony :.

Chronic antimony poisoning is characterized by:

  • irritation of the upper airways (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis)
  • cardiovascular problems (hypertension, arrhythmia...).
  • digestive problems (gastroenteritis)
  • Nervous disorders (headaches, psychological disorders...)


How to detect heavy metals.

Some advocate hair analysis, blood tests, urine tests or stool tests. The problem is that heavy metals are mainly fixed in the cells and not in the blood. And what doesn't show up in the blood won't show up in the hair, nor in the urine or stool.

I had the opportunity to test a portable device equipped with a Raman-type spectrophotometer coupled with software allowing the measurement of heavy metals intracellular but alsothe bioavailability of useful minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron,...). This device provides reliable and fast results (the test takes 3 minutes). It should quickly equip most of the therapists' offices aware of the importance of measuring the minerals and heavy metals present in our cells! For more information, please write to us at: info@santenutrition.net


Detoxification through natural medicine.

The properties of algae have been known for thousands of years. Worldwide research has shown that brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica contains several active ingredients of the highest therapeutic value including alginate which is a powerful heavy metal scavenger.

I consider Laminaria Japonica to be the best heavy metal chelator at present because it not only captures these toxins but promotes their elimination from the body. But you have to choose the right Laminaria Japonica because they are not all equal.

Compared to chlorella, the treatment is faster, more effective and does not present these phenomena of temporary aggravation of symptoms.

In addition to treating heavy metal poisoning, the Laminaria Japonica also treats radioactive pollution from X-rays, microwaves, high voltage lines, televisions, computers, cell phones and their relay antennas, i.e. different sources of harmful radiation that generate free radicals in humans that cause cell aging, birth defects, leukemia and cancer. The damage of these various pollutions can be largely mitigated by Laminaria Japonica which was in fact successfully used to treat the victims of the Chernobyl disaster.

The Laminaria Japonica should be taken on an empty stomach with a large glass of water, ideally in the morning on an empty stomach. It is necessary to avoid taking it in the evening because the product has an energetic effect which can harm the quality of sleep.

The dose will depend mainly on the weight of the person: 6 capsules per day below 70 kg, 8 capsules per day between 70 and 80 kg, 10 capsules per day between 90 and 100 kg and 12 capsules per day above 100 kg.

The duration of the treatment will depend on the extent of the intoxication but is often between 3 and 6 months.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 2 December, 2017
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