The amazing properties of DESMODIUM ADSCENDENS

This shrub native to China also named desmodium penduliflorum belongs to the papilionaceous family (fabaceous, leguminous). This plant has an exceptional wealth of properties provided by the many active ingredients it contains (alkaloids, free amino acids, proline, bitters and unsaturated fatty acids).

These active ingredients are extracted from the seeds of the pods, which come from the fruit after flowering.

This plant constitutes a remarkable protector of the largest organ of our body in charge of the functions of elimination.

Since our ancestors, Desmodium is considered a sovereign plant to free the body of accumulated toxic substances. The African medicine men use this plant to eliminate poisons from the body.

Desmodium has a wide range of actions. It is effective in the pulmonary, digestive and intestinal spheres, as well as in "hyper-reactions" linked to an imbalance or a "runaway" immune system.

Indications of DESMODIUM :

Desmodium is traditionally advised during :

  • Degenerations related to organic damage or abuse of alcohol and other toxic chemicals.
  • Heavy chemical treatments administered during serious health problems: either as prevention, during treatment or after treatment. During treatment, it helps to reduce the inconvenience associated with this type of care.
  • Alcohol abuse and heavy metal intoxication with consequences and disorders of organic functions.
  •  In the case of disorders with enzymatic disturbances, it accelerates the recovery of the enzymatic parameters as well as the general recovery after these disorders which often leave the body tired.
HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 11 January, 2014
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