Factors that affect your sexuality

It seems that problems of loss of libido, lack of sexual vigor or outright impotence are becoming more and more common among "young" men. From the age of forty, some people are affected by this type of problem, often ignoring their origin.

The ability to love, like sexual desire, but also the physiological phenomenon of erection requires the intervention of male hormones (testosterone).

Hormones are almost all substances whose synthesis requires lipids and in particular lipid molecules derived from cholesterol.

Thus, all the factors that tend to lower cholesterol levels too much and those that interfere with testosterone synthesis can be responsible for loss of libido, lack of sexual vigor and male impotence.


What are the factors responsible for hormonal decreases?

  • Permanent stress, chronic or repetitive stress gradually leads to adrenal gland exhaustion and abnormal elevation of cortisol levels in the body. These high cortisol levels can have consequences on the whole body (skin, muscles, bones, immune system...). They can also lead to a whole series of more or less serious problems, usually starting with fatigue. This can be aggravated or manifested by weight gain, memory problems, depression, osteoporosis, recurrent infections, but also by a decrease in testosterone levels which will inevitably affect the sexual sphere, morale and desire.
  • A lack of vitamin D. Currently, scientists have found that a large majority of the population in the northern hemisphere is deficient in vitamin D. This vitamin, which should be called a hormonal precursor or hormonal cofactor, belongs to the category of lipid-type vitamins. It is absolutely essential for the synthesis of all hormones and many neurotransmitters. It is therefore easy to understand that such a deficiency can have consequences on the hormonal sphere.
  • The medication intakes. Beta-blockers and cholesterol-lowering drugs all have an impact on sexual potency and desire. The first, because of their circulatory and neuronal repercussion, the second by the too important collapse of the cholesterol levels, cholesterol which, let's remember, is used for the synthesis of hormones in a general way and of testosterone in particular. It is important to note that the list of side effects caused by chemical statins is growing. The health problems reported by scientists are not only increasing in number, but are also becoming more and more worrisome. These include muscular pain, which can be very debilitating, kidney failure, increased cataracts, peripheral neuropathy, cardiac arrest, memory loss, cognitive impairment, anemia, acidosis, frequent fever attacks and sexual dysfunction. Other potentially fatal side effects cannot be ruled out. These include an increased risk of cancer, weakened immune system, severe degeneration of muscle tissue (rhabdomyolysis), pancreatic and liver dysfunction (drug-induced hepatitis and increased transaminases), changes in blood glucose levels and tendon problems.
  • The endocrine disruptors. These small molecules interfere with hormonal actions because of their chemical structural similarity. They interfere like grains of sand in the fine cogs of the subtle hormonal gears, gradually seizing the fundamental mechanisms of our hormonal system.

This list of disruptive factors of desire and sexuality is obviously not exhaustive. Many other parameters come into play in these phenomena. It is certain that lifestyle (diet, hydration, sports, etc.) plays a very important role in the physical, psychological and emotional health of a person. However, by being vigilant with regard to the few factors listed above, we can already protect ourselves in part from this type of unpleasant worries, it must be said.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 24 October, 2016
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