What if we rehabilitated saturated fats?

Some of this information is probably not known to you because it is hidden by our official media and health systems. They will help you understand that there is no need to manufacture complicated chemical molecules to maintain or regain your health, but that you just have to trust Mother Nature.

Nature generously provides us with fruits and vegetables that are full of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that allow us to lead a long and healthy life. One fruit in particular should be highlighted, it is the coconut.

Did you know that in the tropics the coconut tree is called the "tree of life"?

Coconut, in addition to providing vitamins and minerals, provides fiber and fatty acids essential to life. In the Philippines, for example, people who consume coconut meat, water, milk and oil on a daily basis all have young, smooth skin with a beautiful complexion.

In spite of abundant exposure to the sun, the islanders who consume this fruit in all its forms do not experience cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

Coconut oil is a naturally saturated medium chain fat. Contrary to the misinformation usually conveyed, it does not cause excess cholesterol or weight. It would rather have protective properties from the cardiac point of view.

It's high time to abandon the "old" myth that saturated fats are harmful

Coconut oil protects against viruses, bacteria, various infections, cancers, thyroid, brain and heart problems. This is for the interior, but it also has more aesthetic actions since it beautifies and protects the skin and burns bad fats, it will also refine the silhouette.

It is obvious that these beneficial effects will be all the better if it is taken in a preventive way.

Obviously, knowing that obesity, cancers, diabetes, inflammatory and cardiac pathologies have reached epidemic proportions, it will take more time to solve all this.


Sources for this article:

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 29 November, 2017
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