More scientific studies tampered with in favor of the pharmaceutical lobby

A few weeks ago, the American media were broadcasting a warning campaign about the dangerousness of vitamins, going so far as to claim that an overdose of some of them could even kill. Hundreds of frightening headlines appeared in the press, such as "Higher mortality rates in women who take vitamin supplements", "Vitamins may increase mortality risk in older women", "Vitamin supplements do more harm than good! ", etc.....

It is in fact a huge disinformation campaign or a gigantic "hoax", for those who practice the Internet language.

In order to set up this "hoax", the press seized upon a very poorly conducted "scientific" study that was filed without follow-up in the archives of a hospital department of internal medicine, a study whose conclusions are totally incorrect.

As is well understood by now, the majority of media organizations are largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and therefore never miss an opportunity to attack vitamins, food supplements or any other natural alternative health care method.


Researchers have shown that the statistics and results of this study were falsified and misinterpreted, omitting the body weight of the subjects studied, ignoring the correlations between their nutrition, the pathologies they presented and the risks of mortality that were linked to them...

Furthermore, the conflation is again created since no distinction is made between vitamins synthetic and natural vitamins or those provided by raw, living foods, when we all know very well that there is a crucial difference in assimilation, effectiveness and harmfulness between these 3 categories of vitamins. This ruse is well known and practically all conventional medical studies on the subject of vitamins use this same tactic, refusing to make the distinction between natural supplementation and that based on synthetic vitamins, synthetic vitamins which remain, in spite of everything, chemical molecules that are not recognized and not assimilated by the body and which constitute "poisons" in the same way as drugs, and which overload the liver and the emunctories.

Although this study lacks scientific rigor, the results archived in an internal medicine department were nevertheless of some interest. In fact, the department in which the doctors and researchers responsible for this study work receives several million dollars from pharmaceutical companies on condition that they prescribe products manufactured by the said laboratories, including their chemical vitamins and minerals and not natural food supplements. If the journalists had really fulfilled their investigative role, they would have noticed that the study they mentioned indicates absolutely nothing scientifically founded about vitamins and that if this study had been carried out in a really scientific way, the results would have shown the benefits of vitamins. But in this case, probably no newspaper would have published a single line about it.

This obvious scientific fraud whose conclusion is that "vitamins could kill you" unfortunately seems perfectly correct in the eyes of the narrow-minded scientific community and the "pure allopathic" doctors, the corrupted media and medical journals that are totally at the mercy of the lobbies that sponsor them and keep them alive.

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 9 January, 2014
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This vitamin can save your life!